• Marcus Tukan Universitas Pattimura
  • Hozairi Hozairi Universitas Islam Madura
  • Billy J. Camerling Universitas Pattimura
Keywords: logistics, transportation, cost


Smooth access to ships and ports can reduce logistics costs, therefore transportation is seen as the lifeblood of the regional economy. The decrease in logistics costs (B_L) is a function of ship visits (Call) with available loading and unloading capacity (Q_bongkar), unloading performance (K_B/M) is the ability and efficiency of the use of loading and unloading labor (TKBM) at the port including loading and unloading equipment. loading at a port in an area, the efficiency of logisticBL logistics transport costs can improve the transportation performance of the archipelago and this condition will have a derivative impact on the purchasing power of the people in the islands. The results of the study obtained parameters 0 = -1.102, 1 = 0.001046, 2 = 0.00005, 4 = + 08970, 4 = 0.000000 where the increase in logistics costs can affect Call, Q_bongkar, Performance_B/M, GRDP_unggulan, if B_L increases by 1% will have an impact also for all existing parameters. if performance_B/M = + 08970. then B_L has a fairly good correlation with improved loading and unloading performance at the port and has a significant effect on cargo which has a strong impact on price declines in encouraging purchasing power and economic growth


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How to Cite
Tukan, M., Hozairi, H., & Camerling, B. (2021). AKSES TRANSPORTASI DALAM PENURUNAN BIAYA LOGISTIK KEPULAUAN BERBASIS KOMODITI UNGGULAN LOKAL. ALE Proceeding, 4, 89-95. https://doi.org/10.30598/ale.4.2021.89-95