Edukasi dan Pemantauan Pasien Gizi Buruk dengan Metode Home Visit Demi Mewujudkan Generasi Bebas Stunting
Educating and Monitoring Malnutrition Patients Using Home Visit Method to Accomplish Stunting-Free Generation
Indonesia Basic Health Research 2013 reported that the national prevalence of stunting reached 37.2%, an increase compared to 2007 (36.8%). In 2022, the Ministry of Health of the Republic of Indonesia announced Indonesia's success in reducing the prevalence of stunting from 24.4% in 2021 to 21.6% in 2022. However, it must still reach the World Health Organization target of less than 20% and the Indonesian Ministry of Health by 14% in 2024. Factors causing children's malnutrition are inappropriate types of food, lack of micronutrient intake and poor access to health services. This community service aims to monitor children with malnutrition and poor nutritional status. Previously, children were screened and classified as malnourished and poor, then given treatment for malnutrition and comorbidities. We monitor children treated for two weeks using the home visit method to determine progress and improvement. This community service activity results in public awareness about the importance of nutritional status and managing children with poor nutritional status, so achieving a stunting-free generation will be more easily realized. In conclusion, malnutrition can be prevented and treated with malnutrition management according to WHO recommendations that are timely, adequate, safe, and given correctly. This is a specific nutritional intervention that can prevent stunting.
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