Edukasi Sindrom Metabolik di Desa Laehari, Leitimur Selatan, Kota Ambon
Education of Metabolic Syndrome in Leahari Village, South Leitimur, Ambon
Metabolic syndrome is a global pandemic caused by obesity, insulin resistance, dyslipidemia, and hypertension. Maluku Province is known to have great potential for increasing the prevalence of metabolic syndrome in the community starting from an early age. Metabolic syndrome has various risk factors including lifestyle such as diet, alcohol consumption, smoking routines, and physical activity. The purpose of this community service activity is to increase knowledge about the negative impacts of metabolic syndrome through education related to non-communicable diseases of metabolic syndrome. It is hoped that this activity can change people's attitudes and behavior toward high-risk non-communicable diseases related to metabolic syndrome. This activity was conducted well on May 24, 2024, in Leahari Village, South Leitimur District, Ambon City with 62 participants. The stages of the activity began with participant registration, measuring weight and height, and checking blood pressure, followed by health education and administering pre-post tests. The results of the recapitulation of participants' weight and height were still within proportional limits, the results of blood pressure checks showed that the average blood pressure was 118/79 mmHg. The results of the pre-post test showed that respondents had good knowledge about metabolic syndrome. This can also be seen during the discussion and question and answer session, respondents could answer questions asked by the speaker. It is hoped that with increased knowledge, it can change people's behavior which can be a risk factor for non-communicable diseases of metabolic syndrome.
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