Peran Bakti Sosial Dalam Skrining Penyakit Abdomen Menggunakan Ultrasonografi Abdomen di Puskesmas Masohi
The Role of Social Service in Screening Abdominal Disease Using Abdominal Ultrasonography at Masohi Health Center
Abstract. Abdominal organ diseases refer to illnesses affecting organs such as the kidneys, pancreas, bile ducts, gallbladder, spleen, liver, and other parts of the abdomen, and are commonly encountered in Indonesia. In 2023, according to the Health Survey of Indonesia, there were 877,531 cases of hepatitis, 638,178 cases of chronic kidney disease, and approximately 24% of the adult population was affected by fatty liver. Additionally, the International Agency for Research on Cancer reported that in 2024, stomach cancer accounted for about 4.9% of the 20 million total cancer cases worldwide. In line with efforts to reduce the prevalence of abdominal organ diseases in Indonesia and globally, a screening service for these diseases was conducted at the Puskesmas Masohi in Masohi City, Central Maluku. This screening activity was attended by 38 individuals, primarily from the 70-79 age group (28%), with a majority being female (68%). Based on the results of abdominal ultrasound examinations, the majority of participants (65%) showed no abnormalities in their abdominal organs; however, some participants (15%) were found to have fatty liver. The screening conducted helped to reveal the prevalence of diseases, particularly those affecting abdominal organs, within the community of Masohi City. It is hoped that this abdominal disease screening initiative will serve as a starting point for raising awareness among the community about existing health issues, encouraging them to be more proactive in maintaining their health and seeking early and regular check-ups to reduce the prevalence of such diseases in the region.
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