Deteksi Dini, Pengobatan dan Edukasi Penyakit Tidak Menular di Jemaat Gereja Protestan Maluku, Bethel, Ambon
Early Detection, Treatment and Education of Non-Communicable Diseases in the Maluku Protestant Church, Bethel, Ambon Congregation
World Health Organization data shows that millions of deaths each year in people under the age of 70 are caused by non-communicable diseases (NCDs). These diseases tend to last a long time and combine various factors, so repeated awareness-raising is needed for the community. The health check initiated by the Sector V Bethell church committee team aims to detect NCD problems starting from the community level followed by treatment and personal education. The examination showed that the most common health problems were increased blood pressure, increased blood cholesterol, uric acid, blood glucose level, musculoskeletal problems, and heartburn. Activities like this are considered good to be carried out periodically in facilitating the congregation to detect NCD problems early, early treatment and increase public awareness about the importance and urgency of NCDs.
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