A Keragaman dan Populasi Burung Endemik pada Hotspot Kesatuan Pengelolaan Hutan Produksi Wae Sapalewa Seram Utara
Endemic bird species have a high conservation value concentrated in a critical location for conservation with an exciting value in endemic bird species groups. The site of concentration of endemic bird species can be referred to as Endemic Bird Diversity Hotspot. There are seven bird diversity hotspot locations identified in the KPHP Wae Sapalewa region in North Seram, with a good bird species diversity, including endemic bird species. The study aimed to examine the variety and population of endemic bird species at seven hotspot locations within kphp Wae Sapalewa. The research method uses Point Count, which is placed in the transek. The results showed 121 species of birds, consisting of 9 species, namely: Basilornis corythaix, Cacatua moluccensis, Gymnophaps mada, Eos semilarvata, Lorius domicella, Halcyon lazuli, Rhipidura dedemi, Philemon subcorniculatus, and Myzomela blasii. Most endemic bird species have a low population density. This condition shows the need for conservation action for endemic bird species groups in these hotspot locations. KPHP Wae Sapalewa organization has the opportunity to take appropriate conservation actions to accelerate the existence of these endemic bird species.
Copyright (c) 2020 Yan Eliazer Persulessy, J.D Putuhena

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