Hubungan Modal Sosial Kognitif Terhadap Performansi Dusung di Desa Murnaten Kecamatan Taniwel

  • Anjely A. Parera Program Studi Manajement Hutan, Pascasarjana Universitas Pattimura Ambon
  • Agustinus Kastanya Program Studi Manajemen Hutan Program Pascasarjana Universitas Pattimura, Ambon, 97233
  • Martina Tjoa Program Studi Manajemen Hutan Program Pascasarjana Universitas Pattimura, Ambon, 97233
Keywords: Rank-Spearman correlation, cognitive, social capital, dusung performance, trust, cooperation, solidarity


Dusung performance is the condition and performance of dusung management managed by the community of dusung owners, as measured by productivity, sustainability, fairness, and efficiency. This study analyzes the rank-spearman correlation between cognitive, social capital to dusung performance in Murnaten Village, Taniwel District, West Seram Regency. Rank-Spearman's correlation results show that the relationship between cognitive, social capital (trust, cooperation, and solidarity) and performance (productivity, efficiency, sustainability, and fairness) overall shows a direct and quite strong relationship. It is supported by the values and norms that apply in society that are maintained as ancestral heritage.


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How to Cite
Parera, A., Kastanya, A., & Tjoa, M. (2021). Hubungan Modal Sosial Kognitif Terhadap Performansi Dusung di Desa Murnaten Kecamatan Taniwel. MAKILA, 15(1), 70-79.