This community service program discusses the implementation of the Stunting Awareness Community Movement in Kudamati Village, Ambon, which is carried out through the Real Work Lecture (KKN) Program by Pattimura University students. The main focus is the prevention of stunting, a child health problem in Indonesia that has not yet reached the 2024 RPJMN target. Stunting can have short- and long-term impacts, including developmental barriers, reduced immune function, and risk of chronic disease. The stunting rate in Indonesia is still high, including in Maluku. The UNPATTI KKN team conducted observations in Kudamati Village and found several barriers such as a lack of education about blood supplement tablets and the habit of giving formula milk instead of exclusive breastfeeding. The KKN program focused on education and service to the community to raise awareness of stunting. Priority programs include Implementation of Clean and Healthy Living Behavior in the Elementary School Environment, Stunting Awareness Movement Education for Mothers and Families, and Stunting Awareness Movement Education for Adolescent Girls. Education and service methods were applied through socialization, leaflet distribution, health checks, and distribution of blood supplement tablets.The results included an increase in community awareness, particularly in the school and posyandu environments. The program reached its target audience and made a positive contribution to stunting prevention efforts. It was concluded that the program had a positive impact on the community, building awareness and increasing understanding of stunting prevention.
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