Bullying it a conscious act of violence intetional intent to hurt, such as threaning, hitting, mocking an other negative acthions that harm other people. Bullying behavior is carried out repeatedly which physically and mentally attacks the victim, following are the efforts that can be made to overcome and overcome acts of violence thraogh character education, such as : strengthening social control, this can be interpreted as various ways that educators use to regulate suvervision student who commit deviations, including non-violence and enforcement, develop a curture of asking for and forgive, apply the principlies of non -violence, give peace education to the younger generation, increasing dialogue and intesive communication between student withen the school, providing catharsis conduct efforts to prevent acts of violence (bullying) in schools. Then to avoid this behavior, bullying and socialization are carried out how to deal with SD Inpres 48 Ambon in Kecamatan Nusaniwe, Dusun Air louw, Kota Ambon this sociallzation is an educational couseling for student so that they do not become victims of bullying or perpetrators of bullying
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