One of the main goals of education is to develop potential and to educate individuals. Education is an effort to help the souls of students both physically and mentally towards a better human civilization. This research was conducted to group districts/cities in Maluku province based on educational status using hierarchical cluster analysis with the single linkage, average linkage and ward's methods. The results showed that clustering using the single linkage and average linkage methods was almost the same, while clustering using the ward's method had quite different results. Clustering using the single linkage and average linkage methods shows that Ambon city is the only city that always has its own cluster and does not join other districts/cities. This shows that the city of Ambon has an education status that is quite different from other districts/cities in Maluku Province. Regencies/cities that are always in the same cluster, namely cluster 1, both in the single linkage method, average linkage and the ward's method are Tanimbar Islands Regency, Southeast Maluku Regency, Central Maluku Regency and Tual City
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