Karakteristik Morfologi dan Morfometrik Lebah Madu Tak Bersengat (Apidae; Melliponinae) pada Koloni di Daerah Pesisir Pulau Ambon
Morphological and Morphometric Characteristics of Stingless Bee (Apidae; Melliponinae) in the Colonies on Coastal Areas of Ambon Island
This study aimed to describe the morphological characters and morphometric measurements of worker level from the genus and species of stingless bee colonies in coastal areas. Observation of morphological characters and morphometric measurements used a microscope (stereo model Nikon C-LEEDS equipped with obtilab viewers software camera and image raster). The stingless bee species found in coastal areas belonged to the genus Tetragonula which consisted of Tetragonula sapiens and T. clypearis. T. sapiens was found in two locations, namely the coast of Airlow Hamlet and Negeri Rutong. T. clypearis was found in four locations, i.e., on the coast of Dusun Airlow, Negeri Rutong, Negeri Hukurila and Dusun Seri. Morphological identification was done by identifying ten morphological characters, and morphometric identification was done by measuring fourteen body parts. The results of this study indicated that the morphological and morphometric characters of T. sapiens workers were dominantly black in color with a body size of 3.74-4.25 mm. The first through the sixth abdomen tergites were black. The morphological and morphometric characters T. clypearis had a brownish black body color with a body size of 2.81-3.38 mm, a black thorax covered by six longitudinal hair bands and each separated by five conspicuous glabrous, the first and second abdomen tergites were brownish whereas the third through the sixth were black.
Keywords: Ambon Island, morphology, morphometric, stingless bees.
Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mendeskripsikan karakter morfologi dan pengukuran morfometrik strata pekerja dari genus dan spesies lebah tak bersengat koloni daerah pesisir. Pengamatan karakter morfologi dan pengukuran morfometrik menggunakan mikroskop (stereo model Nikon C-LEEDS yang dilengkapi kamera software obtilab viewers dan image raster). Spesies lebah tak bersengat yang ditemukan di daerah pesisir pantai tergolong dalam genus Tetragonula yang terdiri dari Tetragonula sapiens dan T. clypearis. T. sapiens ditemukan di dua lokasi yaitu pesisir pantai Dusun Airlow dan Negeri Rutong. T. clypearis ditemukan di empat lokasi, yaitu di pesisir pantai Dusun Airlow, Negeri Rutong, Negeri Hukurila dan Dusun Seri. Identifikasi morfologi dilakukan dengan mengidentifikasi sepuluh karakter morfologi dan identifikasi morfometrik dilakukan dengan cara mengukur empat belas bagian tubuh. Hasil penelitian ini menunjukan karakter morfologi dan morfometrik tubuh pekerja T. sapiens dominan berwarna hitam dengan ukuran tubuh 3.74-4.25 mm. Abdomen dan tergite satu sampai enam berwarna hitam. Karakter morfologi dan morfometrik T. clypearis memiliki warna tubuh hitam kecoklatan dengan ukuran tubuh 2.81-3.38 mm, thorax berwarna hitam yang ditutupi oleh enam hair bands longitudinal dan masing-masing dipisahkan oleh lima glabrous yang mencolok, abdomen dan tergite pertama sampai kedua berwarna kecoklatan sedangkan tergite ketiga sampai enam berwarna hitam.
Kata kunci: Lebah tak bersengat, morfologi, morfometrik, Pulau Ambon.
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Copyright (c) 2021 Jacobus S A Lamerkabel, Victor G Siahaya, Wulandari Saepuloh, Anang Lastriyanto, Mochammad Junus, Erwan Erwan, Jati Batoro, Firman Jaya, Dewi Masyithoh

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