Decreasing SGPT level and macrophage activity through CD68 expression in the Balb/c mice (Mus musculus) liver infected with Salmonella typhi after treating with atung seeds (Parinarium glaberimmun Hassk)

  • Eifan Boyke Pattiasina UNIVERSITAS PATTIMURA
  • Pieter Kakisina Universitas Pattimura
  • Ferymon Mahulette Universitas Pattimura
Keywords: SGPT, Macrophage Activitty, CD68, Salmonella typhi, atung seeds


Normally macrophages are always in the body and spread in various body tissues such as liver tissue (Kupffer cells). Macrophages in tissue can be identified by the expression of several markers, in humans the marker is CD68. The increase and decrease in macrophage activity in the liver can also be indicated by an increase in SGPT levels so that atung seeds have the ability to inhibit the growth of S. tyhpi bacteria which contain tannin compounds which can damage microbial cell walls and form bonds with microbial functional proteins so that bacterial growth is inhibited. The purpose of this study was to determine the SGPT levels and macrophage activity. The method used is laboratory experiment. The results showed an increase in SGPT levels in the positive control (87.00 ± 2,915) and a concentration of 25% (84.20 ± 3,962) and a decrease in SGPT levels in the negative control (50.80 ± 2.168 *), 50% concentration (78.20 ± 3.114 *) and concentrations. 75% (58.20 ± 3,834), decreased macrophage activity in the liver also occurred at a concentration of 50% and at a concentration of 75%, the liver was normal, which was indicated by the resulting brown expression


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