Peer Review Process

Manuscripts submitted to BIOEDUPAT journals must follow the focus, scope, and guidelines for journal writing. Submitted manuscripts are reviewed and evaluated first by the Editor. The editor makes a decision on whether the manuscript is suitable for BIOEDUPAT's focus and scope, has methodological weaknesses, or has a degree of similarity to other writings. Editors detect plagiarism of articles using iThenticate software and/or plagiarism checker.

After the initial review by the editor, the research articles deemed eligible will be reviewed by two anonymous reviewers. All manuscripts are checked by qualified peer review and the authors are subject to blind-peer review whose identities will remain anonymous. The peer review process will be done after the initial screening by the consulting editors of the editorial board. The reviewers, who will perform the blind-peer reviews, comprise renowned national and international academicians and practitioners.


The expert reviewers will provide scientific comments and opinions to improve the content of the manuscript. The results of reviewers' comments are then sent to the author for action and response. The final decision on acceptance of articles is made by the Editor by taking into account the comments of expert reviewers in the editorial board meeting. After that, the Editor will send the final decision to the author regarding the publication of the article in the BIOEDUPAT journal volume.