People behavior and anopheles mosquitous bionomic and its correlation with malaria parasite prevalence and case fatality rate (CFR) in West Seram Regency

  • Johanis F Rehena Universitas Pattimura
  • Sriyanti I. A Salmanu Universitas Pattimura
  • Zasendy Rehena Universitas Pattimura
Keywords: People behavior, bionomic anopheles, prevalence rate, CFR


WHO mentions that 300-500 million of people in the world are infected with malaria every year, 110 million of people perform the symptoms, and 2.7 million are even died. In 2005, malaria patients in West Seram Regency were 7.760 people. The research design was Survey and Case control in order to investigate the behavior of local society, Anopheles mosquito bionomic, malaria prevalence and case fatality rate (CFR). Purposive sampling was taken from the people of 2 villages in 3 districts with the highest numbers of patients. 30 people were taken from each village so total sample was 180 respondents. Anopheles bionomics involved habitat and breeding. Malaria cases in 2012-2016 obtained from public health center, health department office and public hospitals. Data analysis was done by using Pearson correlation test. The results showed that people behavior strongly agreed in overcoming the spread of Anopheles mosquitoes and malaria. Natural breeding habitat in swamps area where mangrove trees grow and sago trees at trenches, rice fields, ponds and water on the boat. Anopheles larvae species encountered was Anopheles sundaicus that actively bite all night inside and outside the house with peak activity at 02.00-03.00 a.m. Average larval density was 5.00, 9.00 and Average density of Anopheles mosquitoes was 5.09 - 9.85. The Prevalence Rate of Malaria  is still high and Case Fatality Rate (CFR) is low. There is a significant correlation between people behavior and prevalence rate and no correlation with Case Fatality Rate (CFR)


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