Bio-oil Quality Based on Coconut Carbon Biomass Using Pyrolisis Method

  • Rifa Ratnasari Chemistry Departement, Mathematics and Science Faculty, Nusa Bangsa University, Jalan KH. Sholeh Iskandar KM.4, Kel.Cibadak, Kec. Tanah Sareal, Kota Bogor, 16611, West Java - Indonesia
  • Gladys Ayu Paramita Kusumah Wardhani Chemistry Departement, Mathematics and Science Faculty, Nusa Bangsa University, Jalan KH. Sholeh Iskandar KM.4, Kel.Cibadak, Kec. Tanah Sareal, Kota Bogor, 16611, West Java - Indonesia
  • Agus Taufiq Caraka Nusantara Academy of Analytical Chemistry, Komplek Timah Jl. Tugu Raya Kec. Cimanggis, Kota Depok, 16951, West Java - Indonesia
Keywords: bio-oil, catalyst, coconut shell, pyrolisis


Coconut shells are biomass composed of carbon, hydrogen, oxygen, nitrogen, and other components in small quantities. Biomass can be converted into bio-oil via the pyrolysis method. Bio-oil resulting from pyrolysis has poor quality because it contains oxygen, acid compound, ketone, and ester. To improve the quality of Bio-oil, the pyrolysis process is carried out through a catalytic esterification reaction using a sulfonated H2SO4 coconut shell charcoal catalyst. Bio-oil synthesis is carried out at a temperature of 300–500 ℃. Coconut shell acid catalyst preparation was carried out by activation using HCl and followed by sulfonation of H2SO4 at a temperature of 150℃ for 12 hours. The catalyst was characterized using XRD, FTIR, and SEM. The bio-oil obtained was tested for density, kinematic viscosity, water content, pH, ash content, acid value, Bio-oil composition using GCMS, and metal content using ICP-OES. The results of catalyst characterization show that the formed solid carbon-based catalyst from coconut shells has a graphite crystal structure with a densely porous surface and contains sulfonate functional groups. The yield of bio-oil produced was 6.4%.


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How to Cite
Ratnasari, R.; Wardhani, G. A.; Taufiq, A. Bio-Oil Quality Based on Coconut Carbon Biomass Using Pyrolisis Method. Indo. J. Chem. Res. 2024, 12, 153-163.
Research articles