Peer Review Process


All the manuscript published in the Indonesian Journal of Chemical Research goes through a Single-Blind Review process. Submissions submitted will be reviewed by at least one reviewer and one peer-reviewer. In addition, all manuscripts must be free from the contents of plagiarism. For this reason, the authors are advised to use plagiarism detection software as available in this journal link, the Plagiarism checker to check the similarity. Allowance in common is less than 20%.

The manuscript submitted will be reviewed by at least 2 (two) or more reviewers. The reviewer will give the comment and submit the scientific value. The reviewer will improve the contents of the manuscript. Each reviewer is given one month to conduct the review. If within the specified time the reviewer does not respond, the review process is replaced by another reviewer with the same qualifications.

The final decision on acceptance of the article will be made by the Editor based on recommendations from reviewers. Publication of articles received including the order in which articles are published will be carried out by the Editor in Chief by considering the order of date of receipt, the geographical distribution of authors, and thematic issues.


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