Isolation of Na-alginate from Brown Seaweed (Padina sp.) and Synthesis of Na-alginate-chitosan Polyelectrolytecomplex (PEC) Film as Methylene Blue Adsorbent

  • Rahayu Rahayu Chemistry Department, Faculty of Science and Technology, University of Pattimura, Ir. M. Pattimura Street, Poka, Ambon Mollucas, Indonesia
  • Adriani Bandjar Chemistry Department, Faculty of Science and Technology, University of Pattimura, Ir. M. Pattimura Street, Poka, Ambon Mollucas, Indonesia
  • Samsul Nurlete Chemistry Department, Faculty of Science and Technology, University of Pattimura, Ir. M. Pattimura Street, Poka, Ambon Mollucas, Indonesia
  • Mario Rowan Sohilait Chemistry Department, Faculty of Science and Technology, University of Pattimura, Ir. M. Pattimura Street, Poka, Ambon Mollucas, Indonesia
  • Anselmus Boy Baunsele Chemical Education Study Program, Faculty of Teacher Training and Education, Widya Mandira Catholic University, Kupang, East Nusa Tenggara, Indonesia
Keywords: Alginate, adsorption, chitosan, complexpolyelectrolite, films, methylene blue


Na-alginate has been isolated from brown seaweed (Padina sp.) and then used to make na-alginate-chitosan complex polyelectrolyte films as methylene blue adsorbent. Characteristics of na-alginate, chitosan, and PEC films before and after adsorption were carried out using an FT-IR spectrophotometer. Na-alginate-chitosan PEC film was made by mixing a 0.3% (w/v) Na-alginate solution with a 1% (w/v) chitosan solution with a chitosan-alginate volume ratio (1:3). The film formed was tested for its resistance in pH 3-11 for 7 days and showed that the film could survive in acidic or alkaline media. The adsorption study carried out resulted in maximum concentration data occurring at 75 mg/L with a capacity of 30.2768 mg/g.


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How to Cite
Rahayu, R.; Bandjar, A.; Nurlete, S.; Sohilait, M.; Baunsele, A. Isolation of Na-Alginate from Brown Seaweed (Padina Sp.) and Synthesis of Na-Alginate-Chitosan Polyelectrolytecomplex (PEC) Film As Methylene Blue Adsorbent. Indo. J. Chem. Res. 2024, 12, 113-118.
Research articles