• Hefri Oktoyoki Program Studi Kehutanan Universitas Bengkulu, Kota Bengkulu, Indonesia (38122)
  • Benny Pratama Badan Pengelola Dana Lingkungan Hidup, Jakarta, Indonesia (10110)
  • Safnizar Safnizar Dinas Lingkungan Hidup dan Kehutanan Provinsi Bengkulu, Kota Bengkulu, Indonesia (38225)
  • Rika Himawan KPHL Bukit Daun Provinsi Bengkulu, Kota Bengkulu, Indonesia (38223)
Keywords: Forest Farmer Group, Performance, Social forestry


This research examines the essence of Social Forestry, including community forestry, which consists of three aspects: institutional, area, and business management. The method is an exploratory approach with data taken using survey methods and field observations. The dimensions of institutional arrangements, forest area management, and enterprises are measured using indicators from the Head of Extension and Human Resources Development Agency Regulation No. P.5/P2SDM/Set/Kum.1/7/2020. The assessment results for KTH Tunas Maju's institutional performance in the area management dimension showed a score of 205 or 56.94% of the maximum indicator value of 360. The assessment for area management performance reached a score of 120, equivalent to 60% of the maximum indicator value of 200. The business management performance score was 215, or 48.86% of the maximum indicator value 440. Consequently, KTH Tunas Maju's overall score is 540, placing it in the "Intermediate-level KTH" category. Considering the existing potential, there is still substantial space for improvement in its performance. Indicators that require enhancement include increased participation of women in leadership positions and membership within the group, the addition of group activity plans, frequency of group meetings, member attendance rates, completeness of secretarial and administrative functions, involvement of managers and members in capacity-building activities and training, and the necessity for a Community Forestry Extension Officer. Furthermore, expanding business partnerships, diversifying products, and increasing business capital is essential.


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