Inventarisasi Gulma Daun Lebar di Pertanaman Cengkeh pada Fase Tanaman Belum Menghasilkan di Desa Ariate, Kabupaten Seram Bagian Barat
Indonesia has a very high diversity of ecosystems ranging from land areas to the ocean, including
small islands in Maluku Province. The diversity of plant species on small islands is strongly
influenced by local habitats and climates. The Maluku region has site-specific crops such as cloves
and nutmeg that are cultivated by most farmers. But in reality, there has been a continuous decline
in production and one of the causes is the presence of weeds. The objective study is to identify the
types of weeds and SDR values in the clove planting area in Ariate Village, West Seram Regency.
The survey method is used to collect data directly in the field. In conducting vegetation analysis, the
purposive quadratic method is used. Data collected in the form of primary data and secondary data
This study used a sample plot measuring 1 x 1 m. The results showed the presence of 10 types of
broadleaf weeds, from 6 families in this village. The dominant weed in the clove planting area at the
stage of immature plants is Clidemia hirta weed with an SDR value of 57,574%
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