Pattimura International Journal of Mathematics (PIJMath) is one of the scientific publication media, which publish the article related to the result of research in field of Pure Mathematics and Applied Mathematics. This an is an international, open access peer reviewed journal.  It provides an international forum for facilitating and enhancing the exchange of information among researchers involved in both the theoretical and practical aspects of Mathematics. This Journal is published two issues in one volume every year. Each issue consists of 5 (five) articles and publish in May and November every year. The first issue will publish in 2022 in online version (e-ISSN: 2830-6791) and ISSN decree from LIPI No.: 0005.28306791/K.4/SK.ISSN/2022.07 on July 14, 2022. Pattimura International Journal of Mathematics (PIJMath) was published by  Pattimura University.