• Gresia Mesinay Program Studi Peternakan Fakultas Pertanian Universitas Pattimura
  • Lily Joris Program Studi Peternakan Fakultas Pertanian Universitas Pattimura
  • Isye J. Liur Program Studi Peternakan Fakultas Pertanian Universitas Pattimura
Keywords: Abio-Ahiollo community, eating habits, meat


Masyarakat Abio-Ahiolo merupakan keturunan suku Wemale, mendiami Desa Abio-Ahiollo di Kecamatan Elpaputih, Kabupaten Seram Barat. Guna memenuhi kebutuhan pangan sumber protein hewani, masyarakat Abio-Ahiolo lebih banyak mengkonsumsi daging hasil perburuan. Penelitian bertujuan untuk mengetahui jenis-jenis daging dikonsumsi sebagai sumber protein hewani, banyaknya dan frekwensi makan daging, serta cara pengolahan dan pengawetan daging masyarakat di Desa Abio-Ahiolo. Metode yang digunakan adalah metode survey, dimana wawancara dilakukan terhadap 30 responden yang dipilih secara acak. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan jenis daging yang dikonsumsi adalah daging sapi sebanyak 30 rumah tangga (100%), ayam kampung sebanyak 18 rumah tangga (60%), babi hutan sebanyak 29 rumah tangga (96,66%), rusa sebanyak 26 rumah tangga (86,66%), ular delapan rumah tangga (28,66%), burung maleo 30 rumah tangga (100%), burung kasawari 30 rumah tangga (100%), kuskus 29 rumah tangga (96,66%) dan anjing tiga rumah tangga (10%). Frekuensi makan daging babi hutan (2-4 kg), rusa (1-3 kg), ular (1-2 kg), burung maleo (1-2 kg), singkong (1-2 kg) dan kuskus ( 2 -4 kg). Terbentuknya kebiasaan konsumsi daging cenderung dilatarbelakangi oleh keyakinan atau keyakinan masyarakat dan hasil adaptasi masyarakat terhadap lingkungan untuk memenuhi kebutuhan protein hewani. 


The Abio-Ahiolo people are descendants of the Wemale tribe, inhabiting Abio-Ahiollo Village in Elpaputih District, West Seram Regency. In order to meet their food needs for animal protein sources, the Abio-Ahiolo people consume more meat from hunting. The research aims to determine the types of meat consumed as a source of animal protein, the amount and frequency of eating meat, as well as how people process and preserve meat in Abio-Ahiolo Village. The method used is a survey method, where interviews were conducted with 30 randomly selected respondents. The results showed that the types of meat consumed were beef in 30 households (100%), free-range chicken in 18 households (60%), wild boar in 29 households (96.66%), deer in 26 households (86 .66%), snakes eight households (28.66%), maleo birds 30 households (100%), kasawari birds 30 households (100%), cuscus 29 households (96.66%) and dogs three households stairs (10%). Frequency of eating wild boar (2-4 kg), deer (1-3 kg), snake (1-2 kg), maleo (1-2 kg), cassava (1-2 kg) and couscous (2-4 kg) kg). The formation of meat consumption habits tends to be motivated by people's beliefs or convictions and the result of people's adaptation to the environment to meet their needs for animal protein.


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How to Cite
Mesinay, G., Joris, L., & Liur, I. (2024). MASYARAKAT ABIO AHIOLO DI PULAU SERAM DAN KEBIASAAN MAKAN DAGING. Agrinimal Jurnal Ilmu Ternak Dan Tanaman, 12(1), 15-20.