Author Guidelines

  • Use the Biofaal Journal guidelines as a template.
  • Submitted manuscripts must be original works that have not been previously published and are not under consideration for publication elsewhere.
  • Manuscripts should be research results in the fields of biology and physiology.
  • Manuscripts must be written in English, with 1.15 spacing and a 3 cm margin from the paper edges. The maximum manuscript length is 10 pages (A4 size).
  • The title should be informative, specific, concise, and avoid complex symbols.
  • The title length should not exceed 20 words, following scientific writing standards. The author line should include full author names, institutional affiliations, and a contactable email address.
  • Research manuscripts should follow this structure:
    1. Title, followed by the author line.
    2. Abstract, including background, problems, objectives, methods, findings, and main conclusions (max. 200 words, single paragraph, single-spaced).
    3. Keywords, 3-5 words, written below the abstract.
    4. Introduction, including theoretical and historical background, the problem to be solved, and objectives.
    5. Materials and Methods, detailing the research location, timeframe, materials, tools, procedures, and data analysis methods with appropriate statistical models.
    6. Results and Discussion, presenting findings with clear explanations supported by tables, figures, or diagrams.
    7. Conclusion, providing concise answers to research questions.
    8. Acknowledgments (if any).
    9. References, minimum of 20, with at least 5 from international journals. Follow APA Style, and ensure 80% are from research articles published within the last 10 years.
  • Manuscripts must be plagiarism-free (max. 20% similarity).
  • Authors must revise articles within the deadlines set by the editors.
  • This journal charges authors a publication fee.