Efektifitas Antibakteri Vibrio sp. dari Ekstrak Daun Mangrove Rhizopora apiculata

  • Yuni Irmawati Program Studi Bioteknologi Perikanan, Politeknik Perikanan Negeri Tual, Tual - Indonesia
Keywords: Mangrove leaves; Rhizopora apikulata; Vibrio sp.; Fitokimia


Research was carried out by analyzing the antibacterial ability of the ethanol extract
of mangrove Rhizopora apiculata leaves against Vibrio sp. Maceration using 70%
ethanol resulted in an extract yield of 3.09%. The highest average inhibition zone
results were found in mangrove leaf extract at a concentration of 100% with an
inhibition zone of 24.68 mm. The smallest inhibition zone was found in mangrove leaf
extract with a concentration of 6.25% with an inhibition zone of 3.85 mm, a positive
control inhibition zone (30 mg tetracycline) of 26.35 mm and a negative control
inhibition zone (DMSO 10%) of 0 mm. This can be seen from the results of the
average inhibition zone which shows strong antibacterial activity of mangrove leaf
extract at a concentration of 100% and moderate antibacterial activity of mangrove
leaf extract at a concentration of 75% to 50% and no antibacterial activity at
concentrations of mangrove leaf extract below 25 %, the positive control inhibition
zone (30 mg tetracycline) was 26.35 mm and the negative control inhibition zone
(DMSO 10%) was 0 mm. Phytochemical analysis was also carried out on mangrove
leaves with the results showing the presence of several visible secondary metabolites.
The secondary metabolites found in Rhizopora apiculata mangrove leaves consist of
alkaloids, flavanoids, steroids, saponins and tannins.


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Author Biography

Yuni Irmawati, Program Studi Bioteknologi Perikanan, Politeknik Perikanan Negeri Tual, Tual - Indonesia

Research was carried out by analyzing the antibacterial ability of the ethanol extract
of mangrove Rhizopora apiculata leaves against Vibrio sp. Maceration using 70%
ethanol resulted in an extract yield of 3.09%. The highest average inhibition zone
results were found in mangrove leaf extract at a concentration of 100% with an
inhibition zone of 24.68 mm. The smallest inhibition zone was found in mangrove leaf
extract with a concentration of 6.25% with an inhibition zone of 3.85 mm, a positive
control inhibition zone (30 mg tetracycline) of 26.35 mm and a negative control
inhibition zone (DMSO 10%) of 0 mm. This can be seen from the results of the
average inhibition zone which shows strong antibacterial activity of mangrove leaf
extract at a concentration of 100% and moderate antibacterial activity of mangrove
leaf extract at a concentration of 75% to 50% and no antibacterial activity at
concentrations of mangrove leaf extract below 25 %, the positive control inhibition
zone (30 mg tetracycline) was 26.35 mm and the negative control inhibition zone
(DMSO 10%) was 0 mm. Phytochemical analysis was also carried out on mangrove
leaves with the results showing the presence of several visible secondary metabolites.
The secondary metabolites found in Rhizopora apiculata mangrove leaves consist of
alkaloids, flavanoids, steroids, saponins and tannins.

How to Cite
Hitijahubessy, H., & Irmawati, Y. (2023). Efektifitas Antibakteri Vibrio sp. dari Ekstrak Daun Mangrove Rhizopora apiculata. Biofaal Journal, 4(2), 081-089. https://doi.org/10.30598/biofaal.v4i2pp081-089