Peer Review Process

All submitted manuscripts are first reviewed by the editor. It will be evaluated by the editorial team whether it is in accordance with the focus and scope. Since 2014, BIOPENDIX: Biology, Education and Applied Journal has published 2 issues a year in March and October and starting in 2023 every issue. consists of 18 (eighteen) articles, so the total number of articles in a year is 36 articles. All manuscripts must be free from content plagiarism. Editors will use plagiarism detection software (iThenticate) to check for similarities. The similarity allowance is less than 25%.

 Submitted manuscripts will be reviewed by a minimum of two reviewers (peer-reviewers). Reviewers will provide comments and convey their scientific value. Reviewers will improve the contents of the manuscript and each reviewer is given three (3) weeks to carry out the review. . If within the specified time the reviewer does not provide a response, the review process is replaced by another reviewer who has the same qualifications.

 Each submitted article will be reviewed independently by at least two peer-reviewers (Double Blind Review). Publication, amendment, or rejection decisions are based on their reports/recommendations. After review, there will be four types of editorial decisions based on reviewer recommendations:

  1. Accept Submissions: Submissions will be accepted without revision.
  2. Revisions Required: Submissions will be accepted subject to minor changes.
  3. Resubmission for Review: Submissions need to be reworked, but with significant changes, acceptable. However, this requires a second round of review.
  4. Reject Submission: Submissions will not be published in the journal.

The recommended decisions will be evaluated at the editorial board meeting. After that, the editor will send the final decision to the corresponding author.

Articles sent back to the author for revision must be returned to the editor without delay. Revised articles are returned no later than 30 days. Revised articles can be sent to the editor via the Online Submission Interface (OJS system).