• Bernita Br Silaban
Keywords: fatty acid, seaworms, Nusalaut Island


Background: "Siasia" is a seaworm species in the phylum that includes Sipuncula Sipunculidea class. This animal has been consumed for generations by coastal communities Nusalaut Island, central mollucas but not yet universally known. Until now there has been obtained gisi complete composition. This study aimed to identify the composition of fatty acids contained in vain fresh seaworms.

Method: Seaworms vain taken from coastal waters of Negeri Titawaai and Nalahia Nusalaut Island, Central Moluccas in March 2014. The parameters analyzed include methods is sokhlet fat content and fatty acid by GC method.

Result: The results showed fresh siasia fat content 1.12% of coastal waters Titawaai while 1.91% of coastal waters Nalahia. Fatty acids seaworms were identified from coastal waters Titawai  is  kaparat acid (C10: 0), lauric acid (C12: 0), myristic acid (C14: 0), palmitoleic acid (C16: 1), stearic acid (C18 : 0), linolenic acid (C18: 3) acid and eicosapentaenoic (C20: 5) while the fatty acids of  seaworm vain of coastal waters Nalahia include is lauric acid (C12: 0), myristic acid (C14: 0), palmitoleic acid ( C16: 1), stearic acid (C18: 0) and eicosapentaenoic acid (C20: 3).

Conclusion: Siasia fatty acid from Titawai waters of the identified seven seas of each capsic acid (C10: 0), lauric acid (C12: 0), myristic acid (C14: 0), palmitoleic acid (C16: 1) , Stearic acid (C18: 0), linolenic acid (C18: 3) and eicosapentaenoic acid (C20: 5) whereas Siasia fatty acids from Nalahia's coastal waters were identified as five lauric acid (C12: 0), myristic acid (C14: 0), palmitoleic acid (C16: 1), stearic acid (C18: 0) and eicosapentaenoic acid (C20: 3).


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How to Cite
Silaban, B. (2017). KOMPOSISI ASAM LEMAK CACING LAUT SIASIA (Sipunculus, SP) DARI PERAIRAN PANTAI PULAU NUSALAUT. BIOPENDIX: Jurnal Biologi, Pendidikan Dan Terapan, 3(2), 107-114. https://doi.org/10.30598/biopendixvol3issue2page107-114