• Hanna Kalorbobir
  • Theopilus Watuguly
Keywords: Sea Cucumber, Mice, Fine Bowel, Potassium Bromate


Background: In Indonesia, traditionally sea cucumber (Holothuria scabra) is often used as a drug for uric acid. A study has been conducted on the effect of giving sandy cucumber extract (Holothuria scabra) to microscopic images of the small intestine of mice (Mus muculus) induced by potassium bromate.

Method: This study used a small intestine sample of 2-3 months old male mice weighing + 20-30gr for 15 mice used in the study, divided by 5 groups, ie group I was given allopurinol as a positive control, group II was given aquades as control group negative, group III, IV and V were given extract of sea cucumber sand and potassium bromate as treatment group with concentration of 5%, 10%, and 15%.

Result: The result of the research was analyzed quantitatively, showed that the extract of sea cucumber with 10% concentration was not significantly different with the extract of sea cucumber with concentration of 15%, when compared with the giving of sea cucumber extract with 5% concentration gave significantly different result with the giving of extract sea ​​cucumbers with concentrations of 10% and 15%. This shows the provision of sea cucumber extract with a concentration of 5% can give microscopic changes in the small intestine of mice due to exposure to potassium bromate.

Conclusion: Sand cucumber extract (Holothuria scabra) with 5% concentration can give a change of histology picture of small intestine of mice (Mus muculus).


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How to Cite
Kalorbobir, H., & Watuguly, T. (2017). EKSTRAK ETANOL TERIPANG PASIR (Holothuria scabra) DALAM MEMPERBAIKI KERUSAKAN USUS HALUS MENCIT (Mus Musculus) YANG TERPAPAR KALIUM BROMAT MELALUI PENGAMATAN GAMBARAN HISTOPATOLOGI MENCIT. BIOPENDIX: Jurnal Biologi, Pendidikan Dan Terapan, 3(2), 115-123. https://doi.org/10.30598/biopendixvol3issue2page115-123