Author Guidelines
Authors are required to submit manuscripts online by first registering as an author on the website Every article submitted, authors are required to follow the terms and conditions contained in the Style Guide of the Journal of Geography, Environment and Health of Pattimura University (can be downloaded on the web)
General Guidelines
- Use the Pattimura University Journal of Geography, Environment and Health guide as a template (Download).
- The manuscript submitted is an original scientific work and has never been published or submitted for publication in other media/journals.
- The submitted manuscript can be in the form of research results (field/literature), conceptual ideas, studies, theoretical applications, and criticism in the fields of Geography, Environment and Health.
- The script can be written in Indonesian or English. The script is written in a Century 10 font, single spaces, and one column.
- The topic or title of the research uses Century, Bold, 14pt in Indonesian and English.
- Abstracts are written in one paragraph (for empirical studies of 100-250 words, literature studies of 100-150 words, single spaces, using Century font 10pt. written in Indonesian and English.
- The abstract should contain the objectives, respondents, research methods, results, conclusions and keywords.
- The author's name is written without using an academic degree. If the manuscript is written by one team or more than one person, the editor will only communicate with the lead author or correspondence writer.
- Writing of the introductory title, research method, results, discussion and conclusion, 11pt font, single space, subtitle spacing with a description of 1.5 spaces. The body of the journal is 1 space, Century font 10pt.
- The manuscript is organized into five subheadings in the following order: (a) Introduction In the introduction, the author must describe the problem, a review of relevant previous research, hypotheses, research objectives and research hypotheses. In the introduction, there is no separate literature review in a separate subheading like in the research report, but it is written integrated with the explanation of the research background so that the literature review can indicate the state of the art- or novelty of scientific findings. (b) Research Methods contain explanations of respondent characteristics, population and samples, number of samples, measurement, data collection, research instruments, psychometrics, conditions and design, data diagnostics, and analysis strategies. (c) Research Results contain the results of research and scientific discussions. Participant flow, recruitment, and data analysis. Write down the scientific findings obtained from the results of the research and the findings must be able to answer hypotheses and/or research questions in the introduction. (d) Discussion Explain the results of research that are compared with the theories contained in the literature review to find out the similarities and differences, as well as the researcher's arguments. If there are similarities, the results of the study reinforce the previous theory. If it's different, it means it's a new finding. (e)Conclusion Explain the answer to the hypothesis and/or purpose of the research or scientific findings obtained. The conclusion does not contain a repetition of the results and discussion, but rather a summary of the findings as expected in the research objectives. (f) Bibliography The bibliography is arranged alphabetically with reference to the APA Citation Style. In quotation
- Articles can be written in Indonesian or English with a maximum of pages. The reference sources/citations listed in the manuscript are the main sources of reference in the form of research reports or articles published in scientific journals/magazines in the last 10 years.
- The format of the article has met the Style Guidelines of the Journal of Geography, Environment and Health of Pattimura University.
- Articles have not been or have not been published in any journals and media.
- The article does not contain plagiarism, data falsification.
- The author revises the article according to the deadlines set by the Editor
- This journal does not charge a fee.
Please note any articles that do not meet the requirements, we will return them to the author for correction. And only articles submitted with the correct writing style will be considered by the Editor.