Peer Review Process

Manuscripts are prepared in accordance with the Writing Guidelines. Manuscripts may be returned to the author without scientific judgment if they do not meet all submission requirements, if they are not in the correct format, or cannot be downloaded correctly.

Submitted manuscripts must be the original and independent work of the authors. Each manuscript will be assessed by the editors to determine if it falls within the general scope of the Unpatti Journal of Environmental Geography and Health. We will then reject the manuscript without review if the content is insufficient; exceeds our word limit and is incorrectly formatted;

Any manuscript that passes initial review will be assigned to subject matter experts within our team of Associate Editors to oversee the review process for contribution, originality, relevance, and presentation. Through peer review and authors can expect a decision, or explanation for delays, within 2 months of receipt. If revisions are requested, correspondence authors should submit a revised manuscript within 2 weeks. The final decision is made by one of the senior editors based on the information obtained through the review process.

Once the manuscript passes the initial screening, it will be submitted to independent experts for review. Double review is applied, where (authors and reviewers) do not know each other. Peer review comments are confidential and will only be disclosed with the consent of the reviewer.