Publication Ethic

Publication Ethics

The Journal of Government Science Studies is an electronic journal which publishes every volume through a good peer-review process and takes into account the principles of scientific publications and is published by the Program of Studies in Government Sciences, Faculty of Social and Political Sciences of the University of Pattimura, Ambon. As for the ethical behavior statement, it is a form of scientific publication guideline as a guide for all parties involved in the publication process of articles in this journal, including the author, editor-in-chief, board of editors, peer-reviewer and publisher. This statement is already based on the Guidelines for Scientific Publications that meet the good and correct standards for the JGSS Journal Editor

A. Ethical Guidelines for Journal Publication

Publishing scientific articles in the Journal of Government Science Studies will go through the peer-review process. By conducting the review process, the selected articles must contain original government science studies and have the latest findings in science. It is a direct acknowledgement for the authors’ quality of work and the institutions. Peer-review of articles is a form of implementation and embodiment of scientific methods. Therefore, it is important to agree on ethical standards for all parties involved in the publishing process, namely authors, editors, peer-reviewers, publishers and the public.

The Government Science Study Program, Faculty of Social Sciences and Political Sciences, University of Pattimura as publisher of the Journal of Government Sciences Studies (JGSS) carries out duties and responsibility for all stages of publication very seriously. In addition, the Government Science Study Program and the board of editors will join a cooperation with other journals and/or other publishers when needed. Therefore, in the ethics of this publication, there are a number of regulations such as:

Publication Decision

The editorial team of the Journal of Government Science Studies (JGSS) has responsibility to check the layout and up-to-date status of the articles before submitting them to the editorial boards for the journals to be published on the edition. The validity of articles is very important to give benefits to the author as well as the reader of the publication as a determining factor in the creation of publications. The editor's team can be guided by the editorial board to carry out editing based on the policy of the board of editors and generally applicable legal rules such as defamation of characters, copyright infringement, and plagiarism. The editorial boards will consult with the reviewers to get a final decision before the article is published.

Principle of Fairness

The editorial team can inspect article manuscripts according to the focus of the journal as well as exclude the influence of race, gender, religious belief, nationality or political ideology of the author.


In every manuscript submitted to the Journal of Government Science Studies (JGSS), editorial team are not allowed to discloses information about the manuscript before it is handed over to the author, reviewer, other editor as well as the publisher of the journal.

Disclosure and Conflict of Interest

Manuscripts submitted to the journal cannot be used by the editors for their own purposes without the written and verbal consent of the authors.

B. Reviewers’ Duties

The peer-reviewer team of the Journal of Government Science Studies (JGSS) have duties divided into several sections:

Contribution to Editing Decisions

Peer-reviewers can communicate with the editorial team during the manuscripts review process or help authors to improve their quality of article.

Time Certainty

The peer reviewers assigned by the editor to review and check the quality of articles can complete the review as soon as possible after the manuscripts are given. However, if in the peer-revision process the reviewers need more time, they should inform it to the editorial team in advance.


The manuscripts reviewed by the peer-reviewers are documents for publication. The manuscripts are not allowed to be shared to anyone without obtaining written permission from the editorial team.

Objectivity Standard

The peer-reviewers must be objective in reviewing the manuscripts. In the process of review, reviewers must provide input to the authors about the manuscript and are not allowed to make any criticism to authors’ personality.

Acknowledgement of Sources of References

The reviewer team thoroughly examines the sources of references used by authors as well as quotations that are not listed in the library list. The review team can provide the editor with information about the similarity of the manuscripts with other manuscripts previously considered to be published.

Confidentiality and Conflict of Interest

The information obtained during the review process must be kept confidential. During the process of reviewing, peer-reviewer team is not allowed to have conflict of interests with the authors.

C. Author's Duties

The publication standards for authors in the Journal of Government Science Studies (JGSS) are as follows:

Reporting Standard

The article submitted to the Journal of Government Science Studies (JGSS) should present the latest research studies and have a good level of conceptual development. The manuscript of the article have answer the research problems and purposes as well as benefits of the research. The citations used should be in the last five years as the authors’ primary source of reference.

Data Access and Retention

Article authors are expected to be able to present valid raw data and provide public access to data (according to the ALPSP-STM Statement on Data and Database). Authors can save the main data of the article after the manuscripts are published in the Journal of Government Science Studies (JGSS).

Originality and Plagiarism

Authors have to perform a similarity check on the Turnitin account to ensure that the articles are free of similarities in the form of words from other people's articles. The originality of the article is an important thing to preserve the authenticity of their manuscipts.

Double Publication, More than One Journal

Authors are permitted to submit, publish the same manuscript in the Journal of Government Science Studies (JGSS) or other journals. Submitting and publishing the same article is unethical and the manuscript will be unacceptable.

Acknowledgement of Sources of References

If citing the work of others in accordance with the topic of the article, the author must write the source of the reference correctly and honestly.

Article Contributors

Any author who has contributed ideas, concepts, data and designs will get recognition of the research. When there are certain people who have contributed some substance to the manuscripts, they can be recognized as contributors to the article.

Basic publication error

If there is a fundamental error in the originality of a manuscript published by the journal, authors should inform the editor's team to withdraw the manuscript.

Plagiarism Screening

Articles submitted to the Journal of Government Science Studies (JGSS) will be processed by the editorial team to check the similarity with other research to avoid plagiarism using the tool and a Google-based search engine. The level of similarity that can be allowed by the Journal of Government Science Studies (JGSS is a maximum of 25 percent. Before checking for similarities, author should read the instructions for using the plagiarism tool.

Publication Fee
This journal charges the author as follows:

Submission of article: 0.00 (IDR)

Quick review: 0.00 (IDR)

Article publication: 0.0 (IDR)