Manuscript Preparation

Judul: Judul dalam Bahasa Indonesia ditulis dengan huruf Times New Roman 14, bold maksimal 15 kata

Title (english version), written using Times New Roman 14, italic

Authors dan Afiliasi: Nama penulis ditulis lengkap dengan kode afiliasi huruf dan tanda bintang untuk corresponding author.

Contoh: Rahmana*, Stefanno M.A. Rijolyb, Krisyea


a Jurusan Ilmu Kelautan, Fakultas Perikanan dan Ilmu Kelautan, Universitas Pattimura Ambon, Indonesia

b Jurusan Budidaya Perairan, Fakultas Perikanan dan Ilmu Kelautan, Universitas Pattimura Ambon, Indonesia


Abstrak: Abstrak berisi teks inti yang berisi latar belakang, tujuan, hasil, diskusi dan kesimpulan yang diperoleh dari penelitian yang telah dilakukan. Maksimal 200 kata dalam Indonesia (spasi 1.0, jenis huruf book antiqua font 10).  Kata kunci (3-5 kata), dibuat spesifik dan mencirikan skrip sehingga memudahkan dalam proses pencarian naskah.

Abstract: The abstract contains the core text that contains the background, objectives, results, discussion, and conclusions obtained from the research that has been done. The final part of the abstract is a maximum of 200 words and written in Indonesian, and keywords are included (a maximum of 5 keywords). Keywords are made specific and characterize the script so that they make it easier to search the script.



Pendahuluan berisikan latar belakang atau alasan dilakukannya penelitian atau pemikiran konseptual, menyajikan status ilmiah terkini (state of the art) dengan acuan/rujukan utama. Tujuan penelitian dinyatakan secara tegas dan dituliskan pada paragraf terakhir pendahuluan.  Penulisan naskah menggunakan kertas A4 margin 2,54 cm, spasi 1.15, jenis huruf Times New Roman  font 12. Nama penulis pada setiap rujukan harus dicantumkan secara jelas disertai tahunnya (Wattimena, 2022). Jika kutipannya lebih dari satu penulis gunakan kata sambung “dan” untuk kutipan di dalam kalimat, sebagai contoh Rahman dan Rijoly (2020), dan menggunakan simbol “&” untuk kutipan dalam tanda kurung (Krisye & Fendjalang, 2021). Kutipan dengan penulis lebih dari dua, hanya mencantumkan nama penulis pertama ditambah “et al”  tanpa italic untuk artikel bahasa Inggris atau bahasa Indonesia diikuti dengan tahun (Waas et al., 2020).


Bagian ini berisikan lokasi dan waktu penelitian, metode pengambilan data dan analisis data. Lokasi dan waktu, menyatakan tempat dan waktu pelaksanaan penelitian. Waktu pelaksanaan tidak boleh lebih 4 tahun sebelumnya. Metode pengumpulan data harus selaras dengan jenis penelitian yang digunakan. Hal ini akan tercermin melalui penjelasan yang rinci di dalam naskah mengenai jenis data, sumber data, teknik pengumpulan data, jumlah responden atau sampel yang digunakan. Metode analisis data disesuaikan dengan jenis penelitian yang digunakan. Jika ada bahan dan alat yang digunakan pada penelitian dapat dicantumkan namun hanya alat dan bahan utama. Komponen perlatan dan bahan penunjang tidak perlu dicantumkan.


Penulisan hasil dan pembahasan digabung dengan maksimal 2 heading. Hasil umumnya adalah narasi terhadap data yang disajikan secara deskriptif atau melalui ilustrasi dalam bentuk tabel dan atau gambar yang diletakan dalam isi naskah.

Tabel dan Gambar

Judul tabel diletakkan di bagian atas tabel (Tabel 1), dan jika judul tabel terlalu panjang, maka penulisannya mengacu pada contoh Tabel 2, sedangkan judul gambar (Gambar 1) di bagian bawah gambar. Judul dan isi tabel, serta judul gambar menggunakan huruf times new roman font 10 seperti pada contoh di bagian yang ada pada template.


Journal Article with DOI or not

Rahman, Wardiatno Y, Yulianda F, Rusmana I. 2019. Production ratio of seedlings and density status of mangrove ecosystem in Coastal Areas of Indonesia. Advances in Environmental Biology. 13(6): 13 – 21.

Rahman, Wardiatno Y., Yulianda F., Rusmana I. 2020. Sebaran spesies dan status kerapatan ekosistem mangrove di pesisir Kabupaten Muna Barat, Sulawesi Tenggara. JPSL, 10(3): 461 - 478.

Krisye, Rahman, Fendjalang SNM., Sirajuddin NT. 2023. Jenis dan tutupan lamun di Perairan Pulau Maginti, Kabupaten Muna Barat, Sulawesi Tenggara. Grouper, 14(1): 24 – 28.

Conference Paper – Published in a Book or Journal with DOI or not

Komata, R. 2019. Evaluation of Tsunami Scouring on Subsea Pipelines. IOP Conf. Ser.: Earth Environ. Sci, 326, 6th International Conference on Coastal and Ocean Engineering 25–28 April, Bangkok, Thailand.

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Authored Book and EBooks/IBooks

Rahman., Wardiatno Y., Yulianda F., Rusmana I., Bengen DG. 2020. Metode dan Analisis Studi Ekosistem Mangrove. Bogor. IPB Press. 124p.

Sugiyono. 2017. Metode Penelitian Kuantitatif, Kualitatif, dan R&D. Bandung, CV Alfabeta.

No Author Book

The universal declaration of human rights. 1974. U.S. Catholic Conference, Division of Latin America.

Edited Book

Rhodewalt, F. (Ed.). 2008. Personality and social behavior. Psychology Press.


Edited Book Chapter/ Chapter in Books

Zeleke WA., Hughes TL., Drozda, N. 2020. Home–school collaboration to promote mind–body health. In C. Maykel & M. A. Bray (Eds.), Promoting mind–body health in schools: Interventions for mental health professionals (pp. 11–26). American Psychological Association.

Levi-Strauss C. 1971. Totem and caste. In F. E. Katz (Ed.), Contemporary sociological theory (pp. 82-89). Random House.


Chapter in an edited book, republished in translation

Heidegger M. 2008. On the essence of truth (J. Sallis, Trans.). In D. F. Krell (Ed.), Basic writings (pp. 111–138). Harper Perennial Modern Thought. (Original work published 1961)


Book, republished in translation 

Coelho P. 1993. The alchemist (A. R. Clarke, Trans.). HarperOne. (Original work published 1988)


Book, republished in translation—with an editor who is also the translator

Freud S. 2010. Civilization and its discontents (J. Strachey, Ed. & Trans.). W. W. Norton & Company. (Original work published 1930)


Book By a Corporate (Group) or Institution Author

American Sociological Association. 1975. Approaches to the study of social structure. Free Press.

Badan Pusat Statistik. 2015. Statistik Penduduk Lanjut Usia 2014. Badan Pusat Statistik (BPS) Jakarta.



Report by a Group Author

World Health Organization. 2014. Comprehensive implementation plan on maternal, infant, and young child nutrition. 3048/WHO_NMH_NHD_14.1_ eng.pdf?ua=1

National Institutes of Mental Health. 2015. Anxiety disorders.


Dissertation and Thesis From a Database and an Online Archive or Repository

Horvath-Plyman M. 2018. Social media and the college student journey: An examination of how social media use impacts social capital and affects college choice, access, and transition (Publication No. 10937367) [Doctoral dissertation, New York University]. ProQuest Dissertations and Theses Global.

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Regulation and Laws

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Online Magazine Article

Gander K. (2020, April 29). COVID-19 vaccine being developed in Australia raises antibodies to neutralize virus in pre-clinical tests. Newsweek.


Print Magazine Article

Nicholl K. (2020, May). A royal spark. Vanity Fair, 62(5), 56–65, 100.

Online Newspaper Article

Roberts S. (2020, April 9). Early string ties us to Neanderthals. The New York Times.


Print Newspaper Article

Reynolds G. (2019, April 9). Different strokes for athletic hearts. The New York Times, D4.


Blog Post

Rutledge, P. (2019, March 1). The upside of social media. The Media Psychology Blog.


Online Dictionary Entry

American Psychological Association. (n.d.). Internet addiction. In APA dictionary of psychology. Retrieved April 24, 2020, from


Report by Individual Authors

Winthrop, R., Ziegler, L., Handa, R., Fakoya, F. 2019. How playful learning can help leapfrog progress in education. Center for Universal Education at Brookings. uploads/2019/04/how_playful_learning_can_help_leapfrog_progress_in_education.pdf


Press Release

American Psychological Association. (2020, March 2). APA reaffirms psychologists’ role in combating climate change [Press release]. climate-change


Preprint Article

Latimier A., Peyre H., Ramus F. 2020. A meta-analytic review of the benefit of spacing out retrieval practice episodes on retention. PsyArXiv.


Data Set

O’Donohue W. 2017. Content analysis of undergraduate psychology textbooks (ICPSR 21600; Version V1) [Data set]. Inter-university Consortium for Political and Social Research.

Film or Video

Doctor, P., & Del Carmen, R. (Directors). 2015. Inside out [Film]. Walt Disney Pictures; Pixar Animation Studios.


TV Series Episode

Dippold, K. (Writer), & Trim, M. (Director). (201, April 14). Fancy party (Season 3, Episode 9) [TV series episode]. In G. Daniels, H. Klein, D. Miner, & M. Schur (Executive Producers), Parks and recreation. Deedle-Dee Productions; Fremulon; 3 Arts Entertainment; Universal Media Studios.



Kamin, H. S., Lee, C. L., & McAdoo, T. L. 2020. Creating references using seventh edition APA Style [Webinar]. American Psychological Association. webinars


YouTube Video

Above The Noise. (2017, October 18). Can procrastination be a good thing? [Video]. YouTube.


Radio Broadcast

Hersher, R. (2020, March 19). Spring starts today all over America, which is weird [Radio broadcast]. NPR. america-which-is-weird

Podcast Episode

Santos, L. (Host). (n.d.). Psychopaths and superheroes (No. 1) [Audio podcast episode]. In The happiness lab with Dr. Laurie Santos. Pushkin Industries.  



American Psychological Association. (n.d.). Data sharing [Infographic].

PowerPoint From a Classroom Website

Mack, R., & Spake, G. 2018. Citing open source images and formatting references for presentations [PowerPoint slides]. Canvas@FNU.


Obama, B. [@BarackObama]. (2020, April 7). It’s World Health Day, and we owe a profound debt of gratitude to all our medical professionals. They’re still giving [Tweet]. Twitter.


Open Educational Resource

Fagan, J. (2019, March 25). Nursing clinical brain. OER Commons. Retrieved January 7, 2020, from



Chandler, N. (2020, April 9). What’s the difference between Sasquatch and Bigfoot? HowStuffWorks.

Webpage on a News Website

Machado, J., Turner, K. (2020, March 7). The future of feminism. Vox.


Webpage With a Retrieval Date

Center for Systems Science and Engineering. (2020, May 6). COVID-19 dashboard by the Center for Systems Science and Engineering (CSSE) at Johns Hopkins University (JHU). Johns Hopkins University & Medicine, Coronavirus Resource Center. Retrieved May 6, 2020, from