The Role of the Community in Mangrove Conservation in the Sea Waters of Poka Village, Teluk Ambon District, Ambon City

Peran Masyarakat dalam Konservasi Mangrove di Perairan Laut Desa Poka Kecamatan Teluk Ambon Kota Ambon

  • Ayuni Katri Kolengsusu Program Studi Pendidikan Geografi Jurusan IPS FKIP Unpatti Ambon
  • Daniel Antoni Sihasale Program Studi Pendidikan Geografi Jurusan IPS FKIP Unpatti Ambon
  • Johan Riry Program Studi Pendidikan Geografi Jurusan IPS FKIP Unpatti Ambon
Keywords: The Role of the Community, Mangrove Conservatio, Sea Waters


This study aimed to understand the role and level of community contribution in mangrove conservation efforts. The research method applied was qualitative research, using descriptive analysis and scoring techniques to describe the role and level of community participation in mangrove conservation efforts, involving 50 respondents as samples. The results of the study revealed that the role of the community in the preservation and maintenance of mangrove plants begins with the participation of the local community. Unfortunately, this participation is still relatively low in terms of mangrove maintenance. The level of community contribution to mangrove conservation in Poka Village reached 27%, and it is included in the moderate value category. Thus, the conclusion of this study shows that community participation in the preservation and maintenance of mangrove plants still needs to be improved, and their level of contribution to mangrove conservation is at a moderate level.


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How to Cite
Kolengsusu, A., Sihasale, D., & Riry, J. (2024). The Role of the Community in Mangrove Conservation in the Sea Waters of Poka Village, Teluk Ambon District, Ambon City. Jurnal Pendidikan Geografi Unpatti, 3(1), 23-33.

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