Title : Pattimura Proceeding: Conference of Science and Technology
Initials : PCST
Publications  : 1 issues per year (May)
DOI : prefix 10.30598 by crossref
Online ISSN : 2829-3770
Citation Analysis : Dimensions|Google Scholar
Editor-in-chief : Dr. Pieter Agusthinus Riupassa, S.Si M.Si
Publisher : Pattimura University
OAI : https://ojs3.unpatti.ac.id/index.php/pcst/oai

Current Issue

Vol 5 No 1 (2024): Prosiding Konferensi Nasional matematika (KNM) XXII Tahun 2024

The National Mathematics Conference/Konferensi Nasional Matematika (KNM) is a recurring event that has been organized annually since 1976 by IndoMS (Indonesian Mathematical Society) in collaboration with the Mathematics Departments of higher education institutions in Indonesia. Since the year 2000, KNM has been held biennially, with the hosting duties alternating between institutions.

In accordance with the decision made during the IndoMS Congress on 19 October 2022 at Universitas Mataram, it was agreed that IndoMS would collaborate with the Department of Mathematics, the Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Sciences (FMIPA) at the University of Bengkulu to host KNM XXII in 2024. Additionally, it was agreed that 15 July would be designated as National Mathematics Day. Consequently, KNM XXII was held on National Mathematics Day, 15 July 2024, at the University of Bengkulu.

The theme of KNM XXII 2024 is " Strengthening Research on Mathematical Science for Achieving The Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs)." The event was held over two consecutive days using a hybrid format and included a series of activities. On the first day, the National Conference and IndoMS Congress took place, while the second day featured a teaching and learning workshop, followed by a city tour of Bengkulu.

Published: 2024-11-22

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