Editor in Chief:

Mieke Souisa. S.Pd., M.Pd., [Pattimura University] [Google Scholar] [Scopus]

Managing Editor:

Idris Moh Latar. M.Pd, [Pattimura University] [Google Scholar] [Scopus]

Asistant Editor:   

  1. Mariana D. Hukubun, S.Pd., Or (Section Editor), [Pattimura University] [Google Scholar] [Scopus]
  2. Viktor H. R. Apituley, S.Pd., M.Pd. (Copy Editor), [Pattimura University] [Google Scholar] [Scopus]
  3. Welem Arawaman Lolangluan, S.Pd. (Layout Editor), [Pattimura University] [Google Scholar] [Scopus]
  4. Yelia Tomasoa, S.Pd., (Proofeader), [Pattimura University] [Google Scholar] [Scopus]
  5. Johana Matitaputty, S.Pd., (Production Editor), [Pattimura University] [Google Scholar] [Scopus]

This Composition of Editorial Team based on Decree from Dean of Faculty of Teacher Training and Education, Universitas Pattimura, No.: 851/UN13.1.3/SK/2023, [click here to download the decree]