Author Guidelines

Author Guidelines



Welcome to Populis: Jurnal Ilmu Sosial dan Ilmu Politik. We highly appreciate your contribution in sharing knowledge and scientific research with our scholarly community and readers. This guide aims to assist authors in drafting and submitting their manuscripts for consideration of publication in Populis: Jurnal Ilmu Sosial dan Ilmu Politik.



Populis: Jurnal Ilmu Sosial dan Ilmu Politik is dedicated to publishing high-quality research articles and book reviews that contribute to the advancement of social sciences and humanities. The journal places a strong emphasis on fostering interdisciplinary dialogue and collaboration within the diverse realms of human understanding. The primary focus areas include, but are not limited to, the following disciplines:

  1. Sociology, Investigating social structures, institutions, and patterns of social behavior.
  2. Communication, Exploring various aspects of communication processes and media studies.
  3. Public Administration: Analyzing the organization and functioning of public institutions and governance.
  4. Political Science, Examining political systems, theories, and the dynamics of political processes.
  5. Anthropology, Studying human cultures, societies, and their evolution.
  6. Psychology, Understanding human behavior, cognition, and mental processes.
  7. Economics, Analyzing economic systems, policies, and the factors influencing economic behavior.
  8. History, Investigating past events, societies, and their impact on the present.
  9. Cultural Studies, Exploring the role of culture in shaping identities and societies.
  10. Human Geography, Examining the spatial distribution of human activities and their relationships with the environment.
  11. Media Studies, Analyzing the impact of media on society, culture, and communication.
  12. Education, Addressing issues related to teaching, learning, and educational policies.
  13. Gender Studies, Investigating the roles, experiences, and perceptions of gender in various contexts.
  14. Philosophy, Exploring fundamental questions related to existence, knowledge, values, and reason.


Populis: Jurnal Ilmu Sosial dan Ilmu Politik welcomes contributions that extend beyond the mentioned focus areas to encompass a wide range of topics within social sciences and humanities. The scope includes, but is not limited to, the following themes:

  1. Interdisciplinary Research, Articles that bridge multiple disciplines and foster interdisciplinary collaborations.
  2. Critical Analyses, In-depth critiques, and analyses of contemporary issues within social sciences and humanities.
  3. Theoretical Frameworks, Discussions on new and innovative theoretical frameworks within the field.
  4. Empirical Studies, Rigorous empirical research exploring various facets of human societies and cultures.
  5. Comparative Studies, Cross-cultural and cross-disciplinary comparisons to enhance understanding.
  6. Policy Implications, Research with practical implications for public policy and decision-making.
  7. Innovation in Methodologies, Contributions that introduce novel research methodologies or improve existing ones.
  8. Book Reviews, Reviews of recent publications that contribute significantly to the understanding of social sciences and humanities.


General Guidelines

  • Manuscripts should be prepared in a text document format, preferably in Microsoft Word (.doc or .docx).
  • Articles submitted must not have been previously published or sent to any other journals.
  • Articles submitted to Populis: Jurnal Ilmu Sosial dan Ilmu Politik are allowed to be written in English, Indonesian, or UN languages.
  • Manuscripts should range between 4000-8000 words.
  • Manuscripts should be typed with consideration for standard language, punctuation, and correct spelling.
  • Authors must register as Authors and/or reviewers at
  • The steps to submit an article to the journal are as follows:
    • Authors are advised to register in the Register menu.
    • Complete all data in the registration menu.
    • Save the username and password for login.
    • To submit an article, click on new submission.

Author Fees (Page Charge)

Authors are charged a fee covering the review process to the publication of the article. Regarding fees, please take a look at this page. Both authors and readers can read and download the complete text of each article for free. 

Manuscript Structure

The manuscript should adhere to the following structure:

  • Title: The title should reflect the main and concise content of the manuscript. It should be clear, informative, and engaging, limited to a maximum of 14 words. The title should avoid starting with words like “study,” “research,” “analysis,” or “development.” Additionally, it should be unambiguous and clearly identify the content.
  • Authors and Affiliations: List author names without academic titles or any credits. If there is more than one author, list them all. Affiliation includes the department/program of the faculty, university, author's address, and state. Designate the corresponding author (including their email address) by adding an asterisk (*) after the author's name. Author names are written below the title, using Calibri 12pt Bold, Align Left with single spacing and no space before and after. Author affiliations are presented with thumbnail numbers below the author's name, using Calibri 11 Align Left and single spacing. The correspondence address (i.e., email address) is written below the affiliation and uses Calibri Italic 11, Align Left with single spacing. Don't forget to include an active and reachable WhatsApp number for journal management.
  • Abstract: The abstract should include the study/research/development/thought's objectives, how the activity was conducted (including methods), the results of the study/research/development/thought, and conclusions. The abstract also includes the novelty of the study/research/development/thought and recommendations for the development of social sciences and humanities. An abstract is often presented separately from the article, so it should be able to stand alone. Avoid references and non-standard or unusual abbreviations in the abstract. If acronyms are deemed necessary, define them at their first mention in the abstract. The abstract is written in continuous sentence form, forming one paragraph (not a mathematical equation or formula), without subheadings, footnotes, bibliographic citations, or abbreviations. The abstract length is 150–200 words (use 1.0 spacing and font size 11).
  • Keywords: Consisting of 5 words or phrases; arranged in order of relevance; includes single words or compound words; not abbreviated.
  • Introduction: The Introduction section contains the background, research gap, problem formulation, research objectives and benefits, and the expected results. This section also includes a literature review consisting of relevant theoretical studies and a review of previous research results (State of the art) to show the limitations of prior research, expected objectives, and research renewal. This section ends with the research framework. This section is a maximum of 25 percent of the article's length.
  • Method: Contains the approach/method used in conducting the research. It is recommended to start with the research approach, variables used, required data, data sources and their selection methods, data collection and analysis methods, and research limitations. This section is approximately 10 percent of the total length.
  • Results and Discussion: Contains research findings that align with the research objectives and interpretations of these findings. Research findings are discussed, analyzed, elaborated, and interpreted towards achieving the research objectives. The article's results include data analysis written descriptively using Calibri 12pt. Tables and figures in each article are limited to a maximum of three (3) in black and white. The discussion presents each finding compared with relevant theory or previous research, facts, comments, and reasonable analysis by the researcher. The use of subsections in the debate is as needed.
  • IMRAD Method: The IMRAD method is used in writing the article.
  • Figures: Figures should be sequentially numbered (e.g., Figure 1, etc.). The title should be center-aligned and placed below the figure.
  • Tables: Tables should be arranged sequentially (e.g., Table 1, etc.). The title should be center-aligned and placed above the table, and the table source should be placed at the bottom of the table.
  • Mathematical Formulas: Mathematical formulas should be numbered and presented clearly using Microsoft.
  • Conclusion: The conclusion is not a summary of research results but contains answers to the objectives. The formulation of the findings uses data from the discussion and is consistent with the problems and research objectives. The writing of conclusions is in the form of a narrative in a paragraph, not in points or numbering. This section is approximately 15 percent of the total manuscript length.
  • Acknowledgments: Acknowledgments are optional. However, research manuscripts funded or sponsored by specific parties must include an acknowledgment containing information about the sponsoring party and gratitude to them.
  • References: Authors must ensure that every reference in the text appears in the reference list and vice versa. Wikipedia, personal blogs, or non-academic sites should not be used. All notes should appear as anonymous citations in the footnotes. The reference list is compiled using the international standard American Psychological Association (APA) Style 7th edition with the help of applications such as Mendeley, Zotero, RefWorks, Endnote, etc. The minimum number of cited references is 20, with a minimum of 80% from primary sources, namely articles published in scientific journals/magazines, dissertations, and theses, and a maximum of 20% from other sources, such as books, newspapers, magazines, etc. The more recent the cited reference, the better. This journal requires the reference list to consist of at least 80% of publications from the last 10 years, and a maximum of 20% can include references more than 10 years ago, including classic (old) references used as historical study material. 

Research Ethics

  • Ensure that your manuscript is an original work and has not been previously published.
  • Avoid plagiarism and include accurate citations or references if you quote the work of others. We will conduct a plagiarism check using Turnitin.
  • Demonstrate good research ethics and avoid dishonest data manipulation.


If you have any more questions or need help, please get in touch with Afdhal at or 081266036814 (WhatsApp).

Thank you for contributing to Populis: Jurnal Ilmu Sosial dan Ilmu Politik. We look forward to receiving your high-quality manuscript!



Ronald Alfredo

Editor in Chief