• Vivin Faidar Wailussy Pattimura University
  • Zainal A. Rengifurwarin Pattimura University
  • Julia Th. Patty Pattimura University
Keywords: Public Service Innovation, Sama Thukel, Regional Revenue Agency, Maluku Province, Governance, Digital Transformation, Taxpayer Compliance, Public Sector Efficiency


This study explores the impact of leadership and human resource development on organizational performance in KFC stores. The findings indicate that effective leadership and investment in human resource development significantly contribute to improving employee productivity and job satisfaction. The synergy between supportive leadership and human resource development enhances organizational performance. It is suggested that organizations invest in both leadership training and employee development programs to foster a productive work environment. However, it is important to recognize that other factors, such as organizational culture and external influences, also play a role in shaping performance. Further research is needed to comprehensively understand these dynamics.


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