Author Guideline

Maximum article length of 20 items (including literature, notes, and tables)

Attach a statement that the article has never been published before, anywhere or in any form.
Each article will be tested for plagiarism or tracing.
The research article includes eight components.

The subcomponents are not given an explanation (except for the results and discussion components), but the indication of the subcomponents is in the first sentence of the component paragraph.
1. The article is presented with the following components:
Title: maximum 12 words for Indonesian articles and 10 words for English articles. Title typed in Times New Roman, 14 pt., bold
2. Author's name: or author typed below the title in Times New Roman 12 pt bold, without the title and not abbreviated. Under the name is the name of the institution and the author's email address.
3. Abstract: no more than 250 words, written in English and Indonesian, in one paragraph containing: research objectives, research methods, analysis techniques, and research results. Typed in Times New Roman font, single spaced, size 11 pt., and italicized for the English abstract. Under the abstract, there are keywords—a maximum of five words, separated by commas—typed double-spaced below the abstract.
4. Introduction: contains background on solving a problem, urgency and rationalization of activities, a literature review, problem solving plans, activity objectives, and hypothesis development (Times New Roman font, 1 space, 11 pt size). Each manuscript will be tested for plagiarism, with a maximum tolerance of 30%.
5. Method: This section describes the following: approach, scope or object, variable operational definition or description of research focus, place, population, and sample/informants, main materials and tools, data collection techniques, and data analysis techniques (Times New Roman font, space 1, size 11 pt).
6. Results and Discussion: The results of the research are presented in full and in accordance with the scope of the research. Research results can be supplemented with tables, graphs (numbers), and/or charts. Tables and figures are numbered and given a title. The results of data analysis are interpreted correctly. The discussion section presents findings logically, linking them with relevant reference sources. [Times New Roman, 11 pt, single space]
7. Conclusion: describes the answer to the hypothesis and/or research objectives or findings obtained. The conclusion does not contain a repetition of the results of the research and discussion but rather a summary of the findings as expected in the objectives or hypotheses (Times New Roman font, spacing 1, size 11 pt).
Recommendation: presenting things that will be done with the next idea from the research (Times New Roman font, spacing 1, size 11 pt).
8. Reference List: This list contains referenced sources, and at least 80% of them are published in the last 5–10 years. The bibliography must be arranged in alphabetical order following the APA (American Psychology Association) style. All sources listed in the bibliography must be in the article text. It is recommended to use reference applications such as Mendeley, Zotero, RefWork, Endnote, and others (Times New Roman font, spacing 1, size 11 pt.) for writing and citations referred to in this manuscript.

Articles are typed in Microsoft Office Word format. Using Times New Roman font size 11, single-spaced on A4 paper
Each article to be published by the author must contribute to the publishing fee.
People who want the journal in printed form can contact the journal manager.
Articles are typed in Microsoft Office Word format. Use Times New Roman font size 11 and space 1 on an A4 sheet of paper. Paper format is 3-3-2-2 (left-top-right-bottom).