Author Guidelines

Editorial Policy

Similarity: Each manuscript will be checked for similarity and may not exceed the 25% limit.

The editor accepts articles that have not been submitted to other journals or proceedings.  We also accept articles that have appeared in preprint services (for example arXiv, bioRxiv). The article has been approved by all authors with clear Authors' contributions.


General Rules for Text

Manuscripts should be prepared in Microsoft Word.

Research article should be maximum 15 pages (1- spaced), 20 pages (1.5-spaced), 25 pages (double-spaced). 

Body text should be justified.  References align left. Please use the following rules for the entire text:

Font: Cambria; Size: 11 pt.

Paragraph Spacing: Above paragraph — 0 pt.; below paragraph — 4 pt.

Numbering all pages (center, top of the page).

Lines should be numbered continuously from the first to the last page.

Heading 1:  Bold; for example, Materials and Methods

Heading 2:  Bold Italic; for example, Method of Experiment

Spelling: The JAAB uses American or British spelling and yet the uniformity within each paper is required.  Latin words or phrases are in italics, e.g. genus and species, except for very common expressions such as “i.e.,” “e.g.,” “et al.,” “in vitro,” “ex vitro” and “etc.”



Full Title, not more than 17 words

Name(s) of author(s)

Institutional Affiliation(s) of author(s)

E-mail address of the corresponding author

WA number of the main author for correspondence

E-mail address of all authors

ORCID(s) of author(s)



The abstract of the manuscript should not exceed 250 words.

Keywords: 3-7 keywords, must be the words that do not appear in the full title.



Background and aim of the research, not more than 1000 words. 

Materials and Methods

Materials and methods not more than 1500 words. This can be divided into subsections if several methods are described.   


Subsection should describe completely the plant materials, the cultivation technique, methods used, design of experiments.


Result and Discussion

Results and discussion not more than 3000 words. The Results and Discussion may be combined into a single section or presented separately. They may also be broken into subsections with short, informative headings. 



The discussion should explain logically the argument.



Conclusion, not more than 250 words. 


Personal acknowledgments should precede those of institutions or funding agencies.


Conflict of interest

You should write "is there any conflict?"


Authors Contribution

You should write “what are the authors contributions?”


The editorial team recommends following referencing software as a reference manager, some are Zotero, Mendeley, Endnote, etc. The citation and reference referred to APA 7th style (LINK).  Include DOI in the references so please go to PubMed ( and CrossRef (link) ( to check your references.


Manuscripts must quote 75% of the past 10 years' journal. 

JAAB advocates a minimum of 15 references for the Research Article and 50 references for Reviewed Article. 


Example of References

Article in Journal with DOI

Triandriani W., Saputri D. D., Suhendar U. U., & Sogandi. (2020). Antioxidant activity of endophytic bacterial extract isolated from clove leaf (Syzygium aromaticum L.). Journal of Agriculture and Applied Biology, 1(1), 9–17.


Article in Journal without DOI

Verma M. A., Kumar P. A., Kavitha D., & Anurag K. B.  (2011). Anti denaturation and antioxidant activities of Annona cherimola in vitro.  International Journal of Pharma and Bio Sciences, 2(2):1-6.



deMan, J. M., Finley, J., Hurst, W. J., & Lee, C. (2018). Principles of food chemistry (4th ed.). Springer International Publishing.

Chapter in a book:

Wu, Y., Wang, L., & Patras, A. (2016). Safety, nutrition, and health aspects of organic food. In Nandwani, D. (Ed.), Organic farming for sustainable agriculture (Vol. 9, pp. 89-106). Springer International Publishing.


Abbreviations and Units

Abbreviations should be followed SI symbols and those recommended by the IUPAC. Guide for SI units and measurements please read here (


Tables, Figures, and Equation

Preparing illustrations and figures

Figures and images should be labeled sequentially, numbered, and cited in the text. Figures should be referred to specifically in the text of the paper but should be embedded within the text

Preparing tables

These should be numbered in sequence using Arabic numerals (i.e. Table 1, 2, 3, etc.). Tables should also have a title that summarizes the whole table, a maximum of 15 words.


Equations should be written as an editable section.