Author Guidelines

The manuscript must be written native on the results of research, research note, analysis policy, and reviews (in the form of review) in the Indonesian language which has never been published in scientific journals internationally and nationally. Script the format not in accordance with the directive writing and did not attend rules the Indonesian language would be denied and the editor have no obligations to restore the manuscript concerned.


Articles published include research results and policy analysis that are applicable to fisheries in a broad sense: Fish Behavior, Fishing Grounds, Fishing Ports, Fishing Vessels, Equipment Design and Construction Fish catching, Archipelagic capture fisheries, capture fisheries systems, fishing exploration, fisheries biology, fish population dynamics, fisheries bio-economy, sustainable use of fisheries resources .

Manuscript submission

The author is asked to send one copies the original manuscript and a document (soft file) from the original manuscript to be prepared with the program Microsoft word. Manuscripts and soft file send to:


Writing Format

Manuscript typewritten two spaces on paper HVS size A4 with a margin of 2 cm and letters are the type Times New Roman measuring 12 points. Each page gave numbers respectively. Pictures and table groups include in the manuscript.

Note the research and reviews written as a manuscript without subtitles on the methodology as well as the results and discussion. Note the research and reviews are written no more than 12 pages (including pictures and table), while the results are written no more than 15 pages, including images and table.

The manuscript is arranged in the order as follows:

  1. Title. Written in the language of Indonesia and English, the title articles have to be specific and effective (maximum 12 words).
  2. Authors. Consists of the full name of each author (without academic title), institutions/affiliations with full address and postal code, including correspondence and electronic mail (email) of one of the authors.
  3. An institutional name/Institution. Accompanied full address to the number a zip code.
  4. Abstract. The abstract should be written in English and Indonesian, not more than 250 words.
  5. Keywords. Written in Indonesia and Great Britain consists of three to five said put under the abstract and keywords are written alphabetically.
  6. Introduction. Contains background research conducted, closed short, solid, and clear. The introduction is also included research objectives written at the end of the paragraph.
  7. Methods. Contains materials and instruments, research locations, method way data collection (survey or experiment), and analysis of data.
  8. Result and Discussion. Served in the form of text, table, and picture. The discussion contains an interpretation of research results that were obtained and is associated with results ever reported (previous studies).
  9. Conclusion. Load-meaning the results of the study, the answer to the hypothesis, or the research objectives.
  10. Acknowledgment (optional). Can be used to give a source of research funds the result of which is reported in this journal and gave the award to many institutions.
  11. REFERENCES. In accordance with references in the body of the literature and use library primary at least 80% from the journal. Use these guidelines to write the references:


Bell JD, Bartley DM, Lorenzen K, Loneragan NR.    2006. Restocking and stock enhancement of coastal fisheries: Potential, problems and progress. Fisheries Research. 80(1): 1–8.


Gray JS, Elliott M. 2009. Ecology of Marine Sediment. Oxford University Press, Oxford (GB).


McKenzie LJ,  Yoshida RL. 2009. Seagrass-watch. In: Proceedings of a Workshop for Monitoring Seagrass Habitats in Indonesia. The Nature Conservancy, Coral Triangle Center, Sanur, Bali, 9th May 2009.


Maihasni. 2010. Eksistensi tradisi bajapuik dalam perkawinan masyarakat Pariaman Minangkabau Sumatera Barat. [Disertasi]. Bogor (ID): Institut Pertanian Bogor.


Savage E, Ramsay M, White J, Bread S, Lawson H, Hunjan R, Brown D. 2005. Mumps outbreaks across England and Wales in 2004:observationalstudy. BMJ [Internet]. [diunduh 2010 Des 28];330(7500): 1119-1120.Tersediapada:http//


[KLH] Kementerian Lingkungan Hidup. 2004. Keputusan Menteri Negara Lingkungan Hidup Nomor 200 Tahun 2004.

Pictures and table, and his information

Nomenclature. Scientific names in the form of binomial or trinomial Latin (in italics) and the name of the creator (of an author) are to be shown to every organism when first used in in the abstract and manuscript. Cultivar and the offspring, not gala experiment have to indicate by quote when first so called in in the abstract and manuscripts if they have not been commonly known. The full name of the chemistry of compounds should be used when first called in the abstract and manuscript. After that, a general name or a generic name can be used.

Numbers. The data reported have to does not provide precision more than guaranteed by the method experiment. The average remedial have to rounded become 1/10th of the raw estimation. For example, if the error raw estimation is 1,43, the average have to rounded toward the nearest 0.1. The must be used for the number and followed by with a unit of measurement. A word used for the number one up to nine except followed by a unit of measurement. Do not use hyphenate or lines to replace a preposition among figures. Use spaces, not coma, for the in three points (thousands of). To number the, spaced not required except for uniformity in the table. Example: not 8 575 , but 8575.

Unit and measures. A unit of the international system, including lowered and specific unit, not the, should be used. A metric unit of could be included in brackets if he wanted by writers, and if that is the can explain of interpretation of data.

Symbol and Acronym. Use shorthand and a symbol of safe place. The use of shorthand and an emblem excessive will make articles difficult read. Months preceded by date and followed by the year abbreviated of three the first letter, except may, June, and July. Months wrote completely when couched own (without date and year). Use a sign % if preceded figures; in addition, writing percent or the percentage. Use an emblem already known to chemical elements. Some an acronym common be used is: r for a correlation coefficient, CV to the coefficients diversity, S2 to a variety of example. acronym another can be used if every abbreviation is given the definition is when first called on manuscript.

Time in day and date. Use system 24 hours with four digits, the first two for four hours and two subsequent to minutes (example, at 14: 30 to 2: 30 day). Writing date is as follows: day, months, and years (e.g, 10 Jan, 1990).

Table. Numbering table is consecutive. To a footnote, use numbers and followed with brackets lid, and type above letters (superscript). A sign of one star (*) or (**) used to indicate the level of real, which successively show a level of trust 1 and 5 %. Do not repeat the description in the text if the explanation has been contained on maps or images.

Image. Images in graphical form have to original, not a copy of with size wide (the sides of horizontal) maximum 85 mm. writing typed on paper charts and map not be accepted. print-out acceptable by terms must contrast and make carefully. Along may still, use pictures and images that can be reduced be one column, with wide 85 mm. a good measure for a picture is two times the size the truth desired. Size smaller pictures of which is to be loaded in a journal unacceptable. Points and letters picture explanation use of the letter are the type arial measuring 9 point. Give information any figure in the yard hind with including the name of the writer, the title articles, and title picture. Use pencil sharp.

References. The list contains references published or not be published, but the report not published it available, as the and a dissertation. A reference to the data was not disclosed, private communications and reports that were not available, must be shown in brackets in footnotes. The library and journal must include all the name of the writer, year, a title complete, the name of the publication, the volume, and page number. For books, wrote behalf of all writer, editor (if there are), year, a title complete, publisher, and a publisher and in the yard. The library written wearing name-year system and arranged in the alphabet, can reference writing guidelines for scientific work from Agriculture Faculty.
