Social Transformation in Education: The Role of Teachers in Creating A Bully-Free School

  • Latifa Dinar Rahmani Hakim Universitas Mataram
  • Muhammad Abdilah Baihaqi UIN SUNAN GUNUNG DJATI
Keywords: Bullying, Social Transformation, Teacher's Role, Education


Cases of bullying in Indonesia, particularly within the educational sphere, are attracting increasingly intensive attention due to their detrimental impacts. This research aims to explore social transformation in the educational context, specifically focusing on the role of teachers in establishing an environment free from bullying behaviors. The study employs a qualitative descriptive method with a case study design. Data collection utilizes observational techniques and in-depth interviews, subsequently undergoing analysis through processes of data reduction, data presentation, and conclusion drawing. To ensure data validity, technical assessments are conducted through technical triangulation, source triangulation, and member checks. The primary findings of this research encompass several aspects. Firstly, physical forms of bullying involve behaviors such as shoulder grabbing, hitting, and foot stomping. Meanwhile, verbal bullying manifests through name-calling, forced borrowing, and the invocation of parental names. Secondly, the main causes of bullying behaviors stem from family factors, with the influence of media, including television broadcasts and mobile phones depicting violent scenes, also playing a contributing role. Thirdly, teachers' strategies in addressing bullying involve interventions between students, performing ablution, seeking explanations from both parties, and encouraging offenders to acknowledge their mistakes and apologize. The results of this study offer in-depth insights into the dynamics of bullying in the Indonesian educational environment, simultaneously serving as a foundation for the development of more effective and inclusive prevention strategies.


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How to Cite
Hakim, L., & Baihaqi, M. (2024). Social Transformation in Education: The Role of Teachers in Creating A Bully-Free School. Baileo: Jurnal Sosial Humaniora, 1(2), 192-203.