Interactions Between Generations in Digital Literacy Education: A Case of Millennial Families in Suli, Central Maluku

  • Markus Silfanus Latuheru Universitas Pattimura
  • Feky Manuputty Prodi Sosiologi, Universitas Pattimura
  • Sulaiman Angkotasan Prodi Sosiologi, Universitas Pattimura
Keywords: Intergenerational Interaction, Digital Literacy, Millennial, Digital Technology


This article addresses the issue of digital literacy as an essential basic need, yet there are still significant disparities in technology access and low digital literacy prevalent. To this end, the article explores the intergenerational interaction in digital literacy education among millennial families in Negeri Suli, Central Maluku. The aim of this research is to describe the patterns of intergenerational interaction in the context of digital literacy. Employing a qualitative approach, data were collected through interviews, observations, and literature studies from 10 millennial families in Negeri Suli. The primary informants involved 10 family members, as well as the King who serves as the village head, traditional leader, Saniri, and a teacher at SD XX school. The findings indicate that intergenerational interaction in digital literacy education encompasses imparting digital technology knowledge and skills to both the Z generations and baby boomers generations. This enables them to support previous generations in facing the digital era and strengthens intergenerational communication. The effectiveness of digital literacy education in schools was found through experiential-based teaching approaches and curriculum integration, successfully reducing generational gaps. Moreover, digital literacy is recognized as a crucial component in UNESCO's long-term plan for the future of education. Through digital literacy campaigns, family members are empowered to enhance their analytical abilities in leveraging digital technology optimally.


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