Community-Based Health Movement: Social Innovation and Stunting Revolution in Supiori Regency
Stunting, which has become a critical social issue in Indonesia, has garnered significant attention from the government, with 100 cities/districts receiving special focus for intervention. However, the outcomes of these programs still exhibit considerable variation. Supiori Regency, with its distinctiveness and potential, serves as the focal point of this research, aiming to devise a strategic model to address this challenge. Adopting a qualitative approach, data was gathered through in-depth interviews with diverse stakeholders and communities committed to health and stunting issues. The research findings underscore that stunting in Supiori is influenced not only by health factors but also by intricate economic and cultural dynamics. Moreover, the effectiveness of existing social protection programs needs enhancement. With a combined top-down and bottom-up approach, this region has successfully initiated a community-based health movement rooted in active participation from various governmental sectors and the local populace. This innovative implementation has birthed a series of adaptive and holistic programs, emphasizing the collective need to combat stunting. With the right commitment and strategies, Supiori is on a promising path to significantly reduce the prevalence of stunting.
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