Commodification of Local Culture in The Development of Wayang Villages Tourism
This research aims to describe the factors driving the development of a tourism village through local culture in Kepuhsari Village. Additionally, the study seeks to depict the process of local cultural commodification in the development of Wayang Villages, Kepuhsari. The research methodology employed is qualitative, utilizing direct observation and in-depth interviews as data collection techniques. The results indicate that the development of a tourism village through local culture in Kepuhsari is influenced by both internal and external factors. Internal factors involve the modern mindset of the community, the availability of cultural resources, economic factors, community efforts to preserve wayang (traditional puppetry), and the creativity of the local population. On the other hand, external factors include adapting to market trends and consumer preferences, as well as support and socialization regarding tourism villages from external entities. The commodification of local culture materializes through innovations in wayang, leading to various changes in its function, form, production processes, distribution, and consumption. These innovations serve as responses to market demands and external support, creating an environment conducive to the development of Wayang Villages as a tourism destination. This research provides a deeper understanding of the dynamics of local cultural commodification in the context of tourism village development, with a focus on the specific case of Wayang Villages in Kepuhsari. The implications of these findings can serve as a foundation for more targeted policy development, supporting the preservation of local culture while stimulating economic growth through the tourism sector.
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