Community-Centric Approach: Bhabinkamtibmas Strategies in Mitigating Covid-19 Transmission Within The Cultural Landscape Of Hukurila

  • Nono Sudartomo Univesitas Pattimura
  • Tonny Donald Pariela Univesitas Pattimura
  • Pieter Jacob Pelupessy Univesitas Pattimura
Keywords: Health Protocols, Covid-19, Public Awareness, Bhabinkamtibmas, Community-Centric Approach


The escalation of Covid-19 in Indonesia, including Maluku, underscores varying levels of public awareness concerning health protocols, notably non-compliance with mask-wearing, public gatherings, and other breaches of Covid-19 regulations. This article delves into the pivotal role of Bhabinkamtibmas, an integral part of the police force, in addressing these community issues. The research aims to elucidate Bhabinkamtibmas' strategies in curtailing the virus's spread in the indigenous community of Negeri Hukurila, employing a community-centric approach with qualitative methods like in-depth interviews, observations, and document studies. Research findings highlight Bhabinkamtibmas' active participation in health education, mask distribution, and vaccination programs. They are also integral to the 3T strategy, establishing health centres, innovating health protocols in restaurants, fortifying places of worship, conducting vaccinations, implementing colour zoning, and forming Covid-19 data task forces. Bhabinkamtibmas goes beyond education, fostering security and discipline in the community's adherence to health protocols during the pandemic. Collaborating with Babinsa, they actively curb virus spread through socializing health protocols, participating in evacuations, and overseeing quarantine measures. Despite distinct roles, Bhabinkamtibmas and Babinsa maintain synergy, underscoring the need for community involvement and cross-institutional collaboration for optimal Covid-19 management.


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