Values Education in J. Drost's Perspective

  • Rizky Pujianto Universitas Negeri Jakarta
  • Rakhmat Hidayat Universitas Negeri Jakarta
Keywords: Values in Education, Colossus Gonzaga School, Alternative Education, Humanitarian Education, Liberation of Education


This research aims to delve into the thoughts of J. Drost, which emphasizes values as the primary foundation in the school education system. Colossus Gonzaga School is highlighted as an 'alternative' model that emphasizes the presence of values in education while interpreting education as a humanitarian effort. The method of literature review is employed with steps including the identification of primary references regarding Drost's writings, critical analysis, comparison, and synergy, as well as compiling findings with the identification of weaknesses and strengths of Drost's thoughts. The results indicate that values ​​become the main foundation in the implementation of the education system, underpinning Pater Drost's concept. The establishment of Colossus Gonzaga School emphasizes the importance of values ​​in educational orientation, particularly in interpreting education as a humanitarian endeavor. Amidst the domination of education during the New Order era under the reign of Soeharto, where education was viewed as a rigid instrument of power, Drost's ideas emerged as an alternative that sought to liberate education from the shackles of values ​​that eroded the essence of education. These principles are also reflected in the development of Colossus Gonzaga School as a Catholic institution striving to develop the dignity of students through the liberation of human values.


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