Strengthening Family Bonds and Promoting Rural Development: The Impact of Universal Social Pensions in Tanzania

  • Paskas Wagana St. Augustine University of Tanzania
Keywords: Demographic Changes, Elderly Population, Social Pensions, Rural Development, Family Solidarity


Tanzania is undergoing demographic changes with an increasing number of elderly individuals, the majority of whom live in rural areas and face various social and economic challenges. In recent decades, international social policy has praised social pensions as an effective tool for addressing poverty among the elderly. This article explores how universal social pensions can strengthen family relationships and promote rural development through examples of family solidarity in rural areas of Tanzania. The study analyzes 2012 data from a descriptive cross-sectional survey involving over 900 elderly individuals aged 60 and above in two rural districts in the Mwanza region. This analysis also incorporates findings from the 2019 SAUT Survey, which covered three regions in Tanzania: Arusha, Mtwara, and Mwanza. The results indicate that the family structures in which elderly individuals live exhibit strong intergenerational solidarity. Income from universal social pensions has proven significant in reducing poverty and inequality, as well as enhancing health, nutrition, agriculture, and local markets, all of which contribute to rural development.


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