Land Contestation and Identity: Agrarian Conflict Between Maluku Indigenous Communities and State Authorities in A Sociological Perspective

  • Jeffry Ernest Marthen Leiwakabessy Universitas Pattimura
Keywords: Agrarian Conflict, Indigenous Communities, Conflict Resolution, Supreme Court Ruling, Land Ownership


This article discusses agrarian conflicts between indigenous communities in Maluku and state authorities, focusing on a case study involving a conflict between the indigenous community of Negeri Laha and the Indonesian Air Force (TNI AU) as adjudicated by the Supreme Court of the Republic of Indonesia in 2012. Employing a sociological approach, the study analyzes the root causes, conflict processes, and resolution efforts. Qualitative research methods, including in-depth interviews and field observations, were utilized for data collection, along with literature analysis comprising articles, books, and the aforementioned Supreme Court ruling. The article asserts that resolving agrarian conflicts in Maluku can serve as a model for addressing similar conflicts in the region. In addition to elucidating the status of land ownership and management among indigenous communities in Maluku, the article identifies triggers and resolution processes for agrarian conflicts. Furthermore, it emphasizes the importance of preventing agrarian conflicts by involving indigenous communities in strategic project development and resolving conflicts through customary processes and dialogue. Conflict prevention is prioritized to mitigate losses, both in terms of human lives and property. Violence and threats against indigenous communities must be avoided to prevent resistance or escalation of conflicts.


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