Women's Welfare, Stunting, and Access to Reproductive Rights: An Overview of The Situation in Indonesia

  • Simona Christina Henderika Litaay Universitas Pattimura
  • Sitti Nurjana Batjo STIA Abdul Azis Kataloka Ambon
Keywords: Stunting, Reproductive Health Rights, Women's Welfare, Women's Empowerment, Gender Justice


Stunting, as a global issue, has become a primary concern in Indonesia, with a declining trend in prevalence but still predominant indirect interventions for children under five years old. However, the impact of stunting on pregnant women or mothers of toddlers, who are the closest caregivers to stunted children, is often overlooked. Throughout the pregnancy and child-rearing periods, many reproductive rights of women remain unfulfilled, leading to suboptimal health conditions for both the mother and child. This research aims to describe sexual health rights, gender justice, and their relation to the stunting issue in Indonesia. The research method employed was a literature review accessing online databases, including Google Scholar, using keywords such as “stunting,” “women's rights,” “gender,” and “reproductive health rights.” Out of 700 articles identified, a reselection was conducted using the VoSViewer software to obtain literature relevant to the research theme. This article emphasizes that many health services in Indonesia are not optimal in fulfilling women's rights. Conversely, some health services are even challenging for women to access, indicating the government's negative contribution to fulfilling women's rights. Therefore, preventing stunting requires a broader and more integrative approach, including women's empowerment, reconstructing social norms regarding reproductive health, and strengthening health services that favor women. Consequently, the Indonesian government needs to intensify efforts to ensure the fulfillment of women's reproductive health rights as a strategic step in preventing stunting issues in the future.


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