Integration of Local Wisdom and Modern Policies: The Role of Traditional Village Government In The Implementation of Sasi In Maluku

  • Pieter S. Soselisa Universitas Pattimura
  • Rugayah Alhamid Universitas Pattimura
  • Ivonny Y. Rahanra Universitas Pattimura
Keywords: Local Wisdom, Traditional Village, Sasi Maluku, Natural Resources, Adat Collaboration


This study aims to analyze the role of traditional village governments in implementing sasi in Negeri Lima, Leihitu District, Maluku, particularly focusing on the integration of local wisdom with modern policies in managing natural resources. Sasi, a traditional resource management system, has long been practiced in Maluku but has evolved alongside modern government policies and contemporary challenges. This research employs a qualitative method, with data collected through observation and in-depth interviews. The findings reveal that traditional village governments play a crucial role as intermediaries between local communities and modern policies. In Negeri Lima, the implementation of sasi is managed more systematically due to strong collaboration between traditional institutions, such as the Kewang, and local government policies. This integration enables more adaptive natural resource management, including boosting the economic value of local commodities like nutmeg and coconut. The study concludes that the role of traditional village governments extends beyond merely preserving traditions; it also involves innovating in sustainable natural resource management. This research offers a fresh perspective on how local wisdom can be preserved through the synergy between tradition and modern governance.


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