Communication, Motivation, And Exemplarity: Building Performance Effectiveness Through A Family-Oriented Leadership Style

  • Nurma Puspitasari Universitas Terbuka
  • Rissa Ayustia Universitas Terbuka
Keywords: Family-Oriented Leadership, Employee Performance Effectiveness, Communication, Motivation, Exemplary Leadership


This study aims to describe the application of a family-oriented leadership style in building employee performance effectiveness at the National Amil Zakat Institution of Membangun Keluarga Utama (LAZ MKU) Yogyakarta. Using a qualitative approach, data were collected through in-depth interviews, observations, and document analysis, validated using source triangulation. Data analysis was conducted through reduction, presentation, and verification stages. The findings indicate that the family-oriented leadership style implemented at LAZ MKU significantly enhances employee performance effectiveness. This leadership style is characterized by transparent and constructive communication, strong exemplary behavior from leaders, and motivational approaches that foster a conducive and productive work environment. A Key Performance Indicators (KPI)-based evaluation system is routinely employed to measure and provide feedback on employee performance. As a result, LAZ MKU employees demonstrate excellent performance, evidenced by optimal achievement of work targets, high levels of discipline, and proactive initiative in completing tasks. Support in the form of guidance, solutions, and appreciation from leaders is a key factor in the successful implementation of this leadership style. This study contributes new insights into the role of family-oriented leadership styles in non-profit organizations, emphasizing the importance of communication, motivation, and exemplary leadership in improving performance effectiveness. Proposed recommendations include developing leadership training programs, leveraging technology to support internal communication, and implementing reward systems to maximize employee performance in the future. This research is expected to serve as a reference for the development of social sciences and humanities, particularly in the context of organizational management.


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How to Cite
Puspitasari, N., & Ayustia, R. (2024). Communication, Motivation, And Exemplarity: Building Performance Effectiveness Through A Family-Oriented Leadership Style. Baileo: Jurnal Sosial Humaniora, 2(2), 130-141.