Shredded fish is a ready to eat product of processed fish with the addition of spices and herbs, in the form of crushed dried fish meat with a delicious taste. In storage, the product will deteriorates and reaches a condition unfit for consumption. Shelf life prediction studies are important in the production of food products, as an effort to provide shelf life information that can be applied to food products. One of the many damage reactions that cause a decrease in the quality of food products after production is the fat oxidation which causes the formation of volatile components and is responsible for the emergence of rancidity. The peroxide value is important to determine the degree of damage to rancidity of food products due to oxidation. Estimating the shelf life of the Arrhenius approach, simulates the acceleration of product deterioration under various storage conditions at higher temperatures above the normal storage temperature. Determination of the shelf life of Scad fish floss using the Arrhenius model is 61 dayson 30 oC storage.
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Copyright (c) 2023 Jainal Lailaem, Vonda M. N. Lalopua, Imelda K. E. Savitri

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